Out and About during 2021

Find out what Titsey Rotarians did during 2021......

Santa's Sleigh (December 2021)

Santa spent six evenings out-and-about in Oxted, Hurst Green and Limpsfield, followed by four days at Morrisons, as well as stop-offs at The Carpenters, Barley Mow and Tandridge Heights Care Home, during which time Santa distributed 20+ boxes of sweets and his elves collected donations.  In total, and thanks to generous sponsorship from Oxted Electrical and donation of sweets by Morrisons, the total raised this year (after expenses) exceeded £7,000.

Remembrance Sunday (November 2021)

On Remembrance Sunday our President Sam had the honour of placing a wreath on behalf of the Club at the War Memorial at St Peter's Church, and Rotarian Malcolm placed a second wreath at the Limpsfield Royal British Legion memorial.

Fireworks! (November 2021)

"Remember, remember, the fifth of November" (actually it was the 6th) - Titsey Rotarians had a lovely evening at Holland Sports on the occasion of the HS Fireworks Display.  We had our collection buckets ready and the local community responded and showed their appreciation of the event by their generosity.

Sensory Garden at YE (November 2021)

Titsey Rotary members worked as COVID marshals at the Edenbridge & Oxted Show on August bank holiday weekend, and now they have donated £1000 of their “earnings” to Young Epilepsy (St Piers) in Lingfield. 
The money was used to fund a copper water feature pool in the sensory garden of YE’s new diagnostic suite. Water features have a particularly strong effect on the senses and this design of pool makes intricate wave patterns on the surface, all designed to provide a calming, relaxing environment for students and their families.

Photo L to R: Sam Baird, President of Titsey Rotary Club; Jane Perring, Almoner of O&E Show; Matt Robertson, Corporate Fundraiser at Young Epilepsy; David Hodges, Titsey Rotary member and former Trustee of YE/St Piers; and Margaret Watts, O&E Show Council Member.

Access (September 2021)

In 2019 Titsey Rotary donated £1,000 to the Hurst Green Community Centre to fund the provision of step-free access ramp at the side of the hall.  Well, it took a while to arrange the planning and the instruction - and then Covid got in the way - but the new ramp was formally opened this month and the Centre now offers users with wheelchairs or scooters (as well as those with buggies and prams) unencumbered access to the building.

Photo L to R: Titsey Rotary President Sam Baird, HGCC Chair of Trustees Carmen Lambert Singer, former pastor of Evangelical Church Steven Cox, HGCC Secretary of Trustees Sheila Shaw, former Chair HGCC Management Committee Margaret Cox and Oxted Beer Festival Committee Member Alan Dennison. 

The Unrideable Horse (September 2021)

Our Unrideable Horse has been out of its stable twice this month - first it trotted off to the Limpsfield Chart Street Party on Saturday 4th where it joined Rotarians and their partners to provide challenging entertainment for youngsters and raising just under £100 for our charitable activities.  After a suitable rest the Horse was off again, this time to Hurst Green for their Fair on Saturday 25th.  Once again Rotarians and local children had a great time and the donations to charity were a bonus.

Oxted Boot Fair (August 2021)

Our Boot Fair returned on Sunday 15 August 2021 after an enforced absence of two years due to Covid.  The charities and organisations supported by Titsey Rotary will benefit from the profit of just over £4,000.  

"Eye of the Turtle" (July 2021)

At the end of the school year and at the final assembly of term, each year 6 pupil at Holland Junior School was presented with a copy of “Eye of the Turtle” by Gloria Barnett.  “Eye of the Turtle” is a beautiful children’s book containing wonderful marine photographs and giving young readers an insight into the fascinating underwater world of our planet’s oceans through an adventure story (read more about the Lucy Morgan Adventure Stories here).

The books were provided by Titsey Rotary Club and each one was carefully inscribed with the student’s name by Rotary member Malcolm Lowe.

"Lend a Hand" - we "lent a tent"! (June 2021)

....to Tandridge Heights care home for their beer festival for residents, one of their actiities, this time to celebrate National Beer Day.

More items for Caterham Foodbank (April 2021)

Titsey Rotary Club members have donated a further four boxes of assorted food items to Caterham Foodbank

Euan Lee, the Foodbank warehouse coordinator said: “Thank you so much for the generous donation, which will be urgently used to support local people, who have been pulled into food poverty.”

The collection, organised by Titsey member Helen Attreed, was delivered by Ian Conway who said: ”The Foodbank has become vital to so many families in the Tandridge area – many have jobs but are struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic.”

Easter Eggs for Caterham Foodbank (March 2021)

Titsey Rotary members have delivered 50 Easter eggs to Caterham Foodbank, for distribution to needy families at Easter.  Gill Bailey, Project Manager for Caterham Foodbank said: “Thank you for your generous donation – these Easter eggs will bring a bit of joy to local children next week.”

Picture: Titsey Rotary President Roy Pope hands over the Easter Eggs to foodbank volunteer Paul Milsom.

Holland Sports Trim Trail (March 2021)

The Holland Trim Trail has been a fantastic community asset ever since it was built in 2018, but it really came into its own since the start of the pandemic. Hundreds of local people, young and old, have been exercising there every day - walking, jogging and running, in all weathers. But all that activity has taken its toll and the trim trail is in desperate need of repairs, estimated to cost £6000.

Now Titsey Rotary members have voted a donation of £600 - ten percent of the total.  Holland Sports Chairman Bob Matthews said: “Once again Titsey Rotary Club has stepped up and supported Holland Sports with a fantastic donation. Thank you so much!”  Titsey Rotary President Roy Pope said: “We are delighted to contribute to the repair of the trim trail and support our community.”

Photo: Titsey Rotary President Roy Pope (left) hands over a socially-distanced £600 cheque to Holland Sports Chairman Bob Matthews.

Covid Vaccination Marshalling in Oxted (January 2021)

Along with many other Rotarians around the country Titsey Rotary members have started helping the local Covid vaccination effort by marshalling at the TDC office car park in Oxted.

Well done Patrick Devlin (left) and Steve Marsden!

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Out and About during 2019

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Out and About during 2018

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Out and About during 2017

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