Fellows Ride - my soul trip round the world on a motorbike

Wed, Jun 9th 2021 at 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

on Zoom with Dieter Schneider, RC Würzburg, Germany

Dieter Schneider is a German Rotarian and IFMR member (International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians). 

From June 2018 to early 2020 he travelled around the world on his motorcycle.  He rode through a number of countries.  There are stories to tell from his journey of more than 100,000 km.  In order to get a taste have a look at his 

Webpage www.fellowsride.de 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Fellowsride/

Instagram: fellowsride

Riding is not the only motivation for him but also a way to promote awareness of depression and prevention of suicides. Dieter’s son passed away six years ago due to depression. Travelling on his motorbike was a kind of therapy for him to overcome the trauma. To explore the world on a bike became a passion.

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