Club Service

The Club Service Committee works ensure the Club functions effectively.

Its remit is extensive and includes:

-membership recruitment, retention and development,


-secretarial responsibilities,

-house activities, i.e. a good meeting place with varied menu, maintaining a varied programme of  speakers,

-co-ordinating  public relations activities and ensuring the Club is attractive to members.

Membership recruitment initiatives are aimed at both women and men prospective members. 

Club Service sub-pages:

Dufftown Highland Games

more We love to go a-wandering....well we take the bus actually!

Club BBQ 2016

more Over 60 Rotarians and partners at Dot & Grant's for our now annual BBQ for the start of another adventure for 2016-17

Westhill RC Trailer takes to the road

more Our new trailer makes its debut at our 2015 BBQ

Michty Mia

more Club members at the show at HMT