(SNCG) is a two and a half acre site in the west end of Newcastle which includes an organic garden with ponds, meadows, woodland, fruit and vegetableplots and a number of sculptures. The youth programme aims to inspire young people to get involved with the garden, to develop an empathy for their environment and to learn about and enjoy the natural world through a range of activities, such as arts and crafts; cooking (and eating!);.music; gardening; drama and outdoor activities. It is also a directly licenced centre to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme.
The support provided to the garden by the Rotary Club of Newcastle upon Tyne in recent years has included a grant towards the cost of providing equipment such as walking boots, waterproofs and maps for use by members of the DofE programme.
- a grant to fund one sessional youth worker to assist in delivering the youth programme from one term
- a grant towards the payment for sessional youth workers for day trips to Gibside and Bill Quay Farm
- a grant towards taking young people on a sailing trip in order to obtain competent crew certificates.
- donation of 5,000 crocus corms as part of the programme to raise awareness for the campaign to eradicate polio
- donation of three fruit trees
- a grant towards the transport costs for a sailing trip for the Nightshades Rangers summer activity
- Tickets for a cinema trip, provided by the charity, KidsOut
- a grant for provisions for six young people on a canoeing expedition on the River Tweed, as part of the D of E Gold Award
- Further grants towards the expenses of D of E expeditions.