First Corporate Member

Fri, Nov 17th 2023 at 1:43 pm- Sun, Apr 28th 2024 - 3:43 pm

We are delighted to welcome Councillor David Bawn Managing Partner at David Auld & Co as our first corporate member.

President Julie welcoming Rotarian David Bawn.

President Julie amd Morpeth Rotary are delighted to welcome our first corporate member Councillor David Bawn, Managing Partner at David Auld & Co.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our Club are looking forward to celebrating our 86th year with our guest speaker John Aitken

President Julie welcoming Rotarian David Bawn.

We are delighted to welcome Councillor David Bawn Managing Partner at David Auld & Co as our first corporate member.


An evening of fun and fellowship to celebrate St George's day.


We will enjoying our annual quiz with Morpeth Lions and Inner Wheel

The wonderful beds we have created.

Morpeth Rotary and Lions working together


30 Rotarians and partners visited a temple in Newcastle
