Young Achievers Awards 2008-09

Awards given by the Rotary Club of Burgess Hill and District to young people of the area who have made a substantial contribution to their community

It was a great pleasure to welcome three Young Achievers to our meeting on the 31st March 2009 when awards were made to Catherine Carpenter from the Burgess Hill School for Girls and to Abigail Banfield and Tom Wardill from Downlands Community School. We also welcomed their teachers, Tim Clarke from Burgess Hill School for Girls and Marc Whitmore from Downlands Community School together with Catherine's mother, father and younger sister.

The teachers explained why the schools had nominated these pupils for special recognition.

Catherine has been suffering from cancer for several years. In spite of this she has always remained cheerful and played a full part in the life of the school and managed to keep up with her studies despite having prolonged periods of absence. She has also raised substantial funds for the Clic Sargent charity for young people with cancer. Tim said she always bounced back and was a wonderful example of courage to the school community and to us all.

Abigail and Tom are Head Girl and Head Boy at Downlands Community School. Marc said that their duties, which involve the supervision of pupils during the day and in the evenings, are very time consuming. They also lead a team of prefects. They are both high achievers with predicted high grades and they combine their supervisory roles with their GCSE studies. Marc said both are outstanding examples to their fellow pupils.

Mick Blackford, President of the Rotary Club of Burgess Hill and District presented each award winner with a small, inscribed, cup. He said all three made outstanding contributions to their school communities and that it was very gratifying that Rotary could recognise this. He noted how much better, and constructive, it is to celebrate the positive contributions made by young people than to adopt the negative attitude that prevails in the media and concentrates on the misbehaviour of a minority.

The award winners, together with their teachers and family, thanked the Club members for their hospitality and for a most enjoyable evening.

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