Young Achievers & Rotary Youth Leadership Awards 2007-08

Awards presented to Young Achievers and to the Rotary Youth Leadership Award candidate by the Rotary Club of Burgess Hill and District

The Rotary Club of Burgess Hill and District recently celebrated the achievements of three young people connected to the area through two projects, Young Achievers and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA).

Young Achievers Dean Walls and Becki Dundridge both work for local companies and were nominated by their employers as exceptional people.  Dean, 21, who works at Ikon Live paid with his own time and money to gain qualifications in IT.  He now works as Help Desk Officer for the Ikon offices in Burgess Hill and is described as a really great person to have on team.  Becki, 18, decided not to go the university route to a career but started out at CoinCo last year in Data Entry.  She was subsequently promoted to Reception and has since received another promotion.  She too is described as an ideal employee.

Fiona Cross (15) was sponsored by the Rotary Club to attend RYLA this year.  A shy young lady, even her mother could never imagine Fiona making friends with 45 other young people, let alone standing up in front of an audience of 200 to make a speech.  Yet that, and many other things, is exactly what Fiona did during her week long course in Buckinghamshire.

Said Burgess Hill and District Rotary Club President, Bill Capps, “these three young people show that youth today can be a credit to our society.  We at the Rotary Club are extremely proud of all three of them and wish them all every success in the future”.


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