Speaker Meeting Fellow Club member Rtn Dr. Subhash Hora experience as a police surgeon in London

Thu, Sep 22nd 2016 at 1:00 pm -

Speaker Host: President Dr. John
Vote of thanks: President Dr. John
Stewards: Mutel Kerr & Terry Smith
Fellowship officer: George Larkey
Meeting Menu: Soup followed with Fish & Chips

Rtn Dr. Subhash Hora
Gave a speach today about his experience as a surgeon with the London Police

Tales of murder, suicide,  fatal accidents, drug addiction, drunk drivers and missing vital organs would normally be associated with a novel or play but today these formed the basis of the talk given by club member and Past President Dr. Subhash Hora. Without making light of the above, Subhash explained and described his role as a Police Surgeon firstly in Stoke On Trent and later In London covering the districts of Barking, Romford and Hornchurch. He was called upon to attend many crime and accident scenes and he treated and examined several notorious individuals and murderers, often only discovering the identities of them in the newspaper the next day, in the course of his duties which spanned many years.

A fascinating and very interesting talk. Thank you Subhash.

Editorial supplied by George Larkey

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