St Francis Hospice The sponsored walk

Thu, Mar 24th 2016 at 1:00 am -

Anne Brown & Chris Holmes from St Francis Hospice joined us for lunch on Thursday 24 March to receive the money from the sponsored walk

After a very tasty lunch Secretary Brian Taffs introduced our guests for the day, Anne Brown and Chris Holmes from St. Francis Hospice. The purpose of their visit was to receive a cheque from the club for £5368.90 . This money was raised by members and friends who took part in our annual charity walk in aid of the St. Francis Hospice. As Brian was handing over the cheque he paid tribute to local fund raising hero Paul Freeman who contributed a fifth of this money from his personal collections. Over the many years that we have known Paul he personally has raised many thousands of pounds for this his favourite charity.

After the formalities were over Anne was invited to say a few words about the Hospice and the work they do. She began by announcing that she had researched the amount of money that The Rotary Club of Hornchurch and Upminster had collected for the Hospice since we started the walks. She said that the club had collected almost £100,000, a figure which was a most pleasant surprise to all those members and friends present. Anne went on to explain the work of the hospice and all the things that sum of money had supported over the years. She outlined some of the plans for the future and concluded by thanking the club for all the hard work that went into raising that money and how much it is appreciated. As a final surprise, Dr. Subash Hora presented Anne with a large bag filled with coins that had been donated by patients in his surgery. A magnificent gesture which rounded off a most pleasant meeting.

All of above can be seen in the video link above: George Larkey

Rotary Sponsored Walk for Saint Francis Hospice 6 Sep 2015 

Video below is of the actual walk

Last weeks quiz night info below

At above Meeting Thursday 24th March 2016
John Kent announcedthat last week’s Quiz raised £842 which will go to the Jaipur limb centre in India. As this announcement was being warmly congratulated Rotarian Dr. Subash Hora took the floor and said that as he had promised to match anything that we raised he was pleased to present the club with another cheque for the same amount. This personal generosity is to be greatly admired and he was congratulated equally warmly by those members and guests present, as shown in the one minute video below:-

Cheque presentation from Rotarian Dr. Subhash Hora

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