On the 1st July President Dave Rosoman stepped down from his year in office and handed over the presidency to Rotarian Peter Davies.
Peter is no stranger to the presidency role as he was also the club president for the Rotary year 2006 - 2007. He said he felt honoured to be performing the role for a second term and very much looked forward to the year ahead.
The handover occasion was celebrated with a very social evening and a BBQ at The Bird in Hand in Halstead
more Welcome to our new president.
more Funds raised throughout the year are handed out to out chosen charities.
more President Mike Prince presents a cheque to Diabetes UK
more Our Annual Charter Celebration
more New club president Keith Brownlie takes the reigns
more The club welcomes three new members
more Incoming President Mike Prince takes command.
more The Club celebrated it's 67th Charter Anniversary on Sunday 4th October 2015
more Celebration lunch to mark the 69th anniversary of our club
more Halstead Rotary Club celebrate the 65th anniversary of it's charter
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