Rotary Roundup on Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4 FM

After eight years of broadcasting Rotary Roundup on CCR (Chelmsford Community Radio), Rotarians Dave Almond (Chelmsford Mildmay) and Rob Peters (Chelmsford Phoenix) presented their last programme on 17 December 2023.

You can listen to the final broadcast by clicking on the play icon below. 

During those eight years, Dave and Rob produced and presented almost 100 broadcasts.  They featured the different activities and events that Rotary Clubs and Rotarians were up to, initially in Chelmsford but gradually in the district, and then nationally and internationally, bringing stories of interest to a Chelmsford audience. 

One of the benefits was that people outside the Chelmsford area could catch up on broadcasts online.  Between stories and interviews there were always cheery chats between Dave and Rob plus the addition of great music chosen by Rob and guests.

Thank you, Rob and Dave, for providing great listening - you will be missed.  Our very best wishes to you both.

Rotary Roundup on Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4 FM sub-pages:

A reminder of Rotary Roundups on CCR

more over the last eight years.