Annual General Meeting

Thu, May 2nd 2024 at 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

(At the Chelmsford Rugby Club.) We hear reports on the Club's activities during the current Rotary year

Revised Club logo

A computer image of a clipboard bearing a list with a large red tick on itAt today’s Annual General Meeting we received the reports on the Club’s activities in the Rotary year to date as usual. However, much of the meeting was given to a discussion of the organisation of the Club for the next Rotary year and the future.

The most significant decision was to stop appointing Committee Chairs. Last year we kept the office but abolished the Committees themselves. Instead of consisting of the officers and Committee Chairs, in future the Council will consist of the officers plus three other members elected for six months at a time. Accordingly the Council for the first half of 2024-25 will be:

  • President: Francis Whitbread
  • 1st Vice President: Graham Furnival
  • 2nd Vice President: Anne Moriaty
  • Secretary: Jenny Black
  • Treasurer: Bob Booker
  • Other members: David Axon, Keith Dabbs and Geoff Dickman

Keith will also continue as Assistant Secretary.

This change means that we will be asking for volunteers to lead the projects we undertake rather than relying on the relevant Committee Chair as in the past.

Members agreed that the annual subscription should remain at £150 as recommended by the Treasurer.

Next week we will meet at Sanctus for the last time. We intend to continue supporting them by becoming one of their Centurions.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

List of Club Presidents with the current Rotary theme logo superimposed

Read the Club Chronicle for reports on our latest meeting and other past events. (Latest update: 11 July 2024)


Photo Gallery of Chelmsford Rotary events. (Latest addition: 11 July 2024)

People sitting at dining tables

We meet regularly to enjoy fellowship over a meal.

Looking over a field to a large garbage area

We seek to help protect our environment

Traditional theatrical masks of Comedy and Tragedy

Social and sporting events

Major Donor Award

Supporting good causes worldwide

Three young people in a library sitting in front of a computer

The Club has links with local schools and with the Chelmsford Competitive Festival of Music, Speech and Drama


Support locally and internationally

A Rotary column from a colour magazine

Public Image
