Cafe Knitters

Thu, Feb 8th 2024 at 11:45 am - 1:00 pm

We visit Cafe Knitters at the Maldon Methodist Church

Knitting needles and wool in a basket

Two tall grey-haired men holding cups standing in front of two notice boardsSome of us went to the Maldon Methodist Church today to join with Café Knitters for one of their regular weekly meetings. We were undeterred by the rain, although we did try to make sure we parked in the public car park immediately behind the church.

Café Knitters are organised by Julie Taylor, who spoke to us about bleed packs last year. Not all the knitters are ladies; at least two of their members are men. The meetings enable them to meet weekly for a chat while knitting and to enjoy a simple meal together at a very low cost. This week it was bread and soup followed by jacket potatoes with a choice of two fillings. We were told that if we cared to return next week the meal would be cottage pie.

Two long tables had been set out with chairs round them. We dispersed ourselves among the regular knitting crew and joined the chat - but not the knitting. Some of our members were among those who collected food from a hatch and distributed it to the tables.

We all enjoyed the chats and the meal. President Francis suggested that we might go there again, should they choose to invite us again. Let’s hope we have better weather next time. Since our “second Thursday” programme is now full until June we’re unlikely to back before August so it’s looking hopeful.

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