Handover meeting

Thu, Jul 1st 2021 at 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

The members of the 2020-21 Club Council hand over to their successors.

Club logo

It’s not often 1 July falls on our Thursday meeting day. It did this year. What’s more it was good weather, so we were able to hold our Handover Meeting as planned in the garden of 2020-21 President Jan and her husband Phil (President 2016-17). It was good to see so many members in person.

We started in what has become the traditional way for us, with a Thought for the Day, given by Bob Booker, and the raffle of a bottle of wine. In one of her last official acts, President Jan presented well-deserved Paul Harris Fellowships to Eddie Cassels and Francis Whitbread for their outstanding contributions to the Club and to fund-raising.

She then formally handed the President’s chain of office to 2021-22 President Peter.

President Peter invested Mo Sadiq with the 1st Vice President’s collar. Mo would have invested John Scammell with the 2nd Vice President’s collar but he had forgotten to bring it. He did it in spirit instead, to John’s great amusement.

People wearing summer clothing in the garden of a large house President Peter then presented Past President Jan with her Past President’s badge and jewel. He paid tribute to all she had done through a very strange and difficult year and the leadership she had given the Club. Despite the lockdown restrictions she had managed to raise a record amount for her President’s Charity, so much so that it had been decided to give some of the money raised to other charities. She in turn wished him success for his Presidential year, which hopefully will be less fraught.

After that Past President Jan said grace before inviting us all to eat the refreshments she had kindly provided. Over a year has passed since we were all able to eat together, so we made the most of the occasion. If the lockdown is eased on 19 July, our meeting on 22 July will be an evening meeting at Little Channels and we will then return to our usual lunchtime meetings at the Ivy Hill Hotel. We are all looking forward to it.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

List of Club Presidents with the current Rotary theme logo superimposed

Read the Club Chronicle for reports on our latest meeting and other past events. (Latest update: 11 July 2024)


Photo Gallery of Chelmsford Rotary events. (Latest addition: 11 July 2024)

People sitting at dining tables

We meet regularly to enjoy fellowship over a meal.

Looking over a field to a large garbage area

We seek to help protect our environment

Traditional theatrical masks of Comedy and Tragedy

Social and sporting events

Major Donor Award

Supporting good causes worldwide

Three young people in a library sitting in front of a computer

The Club has links with local schools and with the Chelmsford Competitive Festival of Music, Speech and Drama


Support locally and internationally

A Rotary column from a colour magazine

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