Sandra Marsden: Chelmsford Timebank

Thu, Jul 9th 2020 at 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Sandra Marsden of Chelmsford CVS joined our online meeting to tell us about the Timebank.

A green piggy bank held in a pair of hands

A bespectacled lady with long blonde hair

Our speaker was Sandra Marsden from Chelmsford Timebank. This is volunteering with a twist, where volunteers help one another in the community by exchanging skills. Volunteers earn hours which they can bank or use to pay for someone else’s expertise or support. There are:

  1. core exchanges where an individual offers a skill and in return receives help,
  2. organisational exchanges eg working with Essex Library, or
  3. through mini Timebanks, which are unique to Chelmsford. With this, small groups of volunteers meet at the CVS building, e.g. knitters who knit, chat and have a cup of tea together. They either knit for charities or make things to sell in order to fund the activity.

During the COVID lockdown, Sandra has been helping form new groups - COVID response teams who have been able to support vulnerable people particularly those who are shielding. Essex Welfare Service is the organisation coordinating local groups such as this and contact numbers can be found on their website.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

List of Club Presidents with the current Rotary theme logo superimposed

Read the Club Chronicle for reports on our latest meeting and other past events. (Latest update: 11 July 2024)


Photo Gallery of Chelmsford Rotary events. (Latest addition: 11 July 2024)

People sitting at dining tables

We meet regularly to enjoy fellowship over a meal.

Looking over a field to a large garbage area

We seek to help protect our environment

Traditional theatrical masks of Comedy and Tragedy

Social and sporting events

Major Donor Award

Supporting good causes worldwide

Three young people in a library sitting in front of a computer

The Club has links with local schools and with the Chelmsford Competitive Festival of Music, Speech and Drama


Support locally and internationally

A Rotary column from a colour magazine

Public Image
