Paul Harris Fellowships 2024

Paul Harris Fellowships were presented in recognition of extraordinary contributions to Rotary

Extraordinary Contributions

Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary, and Paul Harris Fellowships (PHF) are given to people to recognise meritorious service to the community.  In certain circumstances, a Paul Harris Fellowship Sapphire (PHFS) is awarded to some of those already honoured with a PHF to recognise contributions above and beyond expectations.  Good things happen in threes and President Patrick took the opportunity of the Club’s Charter Lunch to recognise members who have given outstanding service to our Community, to Rotary, and to our club.

Sapphire PHFs

The first recipient has raised consistent funds for our benevolent charity over many years, he has been President twice, and he is always on hand to promote and support our events.  It was with great pleasure that President Patrick called forward Immediate Past President Roger Kettle to present him with a Sapphire to his existing Paul Harris Fellowship on behalf of the Club. – Roger Thanked the President for this honour.

The second recipient went to a member who has been president twice, and has organised countless fund-raising events, both home and abroad over the years.  He is a very dedicated Rotarian and has produced most, if not all, our clubs printing requirements over the years at his own personal expense.  Patrick then called forward our Foundation and International Chairman, Malcolm Acors, to be recognised for his outstanding contributions over many years.  It was a great pleasure to present Malcolm with a triple Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowship.  For once Malcolm said he was lost for words!!  (That’s got to be a first!)

Last but not least, Patrick said “I have no hesitation in awarding a Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowship to our Secretary Brian, who joined us from Basildon Concorde Rotary club not so long ago, a past President of that club and now a dedicated Secretary of our club, who keeps us all in order, is always on hand for the administration of our club and always gives full support to all officers of the club.  Brian, we all appreciate your dedication to this role.”

Rtn. Peter Greene was away and missed the Charter Celebration, but was also awarded a triple Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowshipfor his outstanding contributions, which was presented at the December Christmas Lunch.

Outstanding Lifetime of Service

Finally, Patrick said “I have a very special award for Ben Clarke, a member who has probably the highest attendance record in the club.  He has been President three times, is in his mid nineties, and has chaired every office in our club over his 65 years of membership.  Maybe not the last of the Mohicans, but certainly, our last Founder Member.”

“Not only is Ben a great Rotarian, but he is also a gentleman who I am proud to call my friend.  Ben, please come up and receive this award in recognition of your service to Rotary.”

The Trophy was a glass faceted Diamond Peak Award showing the Rotary Wheel and The Rotary Club of Billericay, and inscribed with the notation

“In recognition of Service to the Club, Presented to Founder Member Rotarian Ben Clarke, With Grateful Thanks for 65 years”

Such an accolade to Ben, so pleased to have received it from his friend Patrick, in front of the whole club, and especially in front of his family who were fortuitously also present, making it so special.

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Overview of the Room

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100 Club recruitment Poster

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First Prize is ....

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100 Club Application Form

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President Ben welcomes everybody

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Quite a crowd

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A winning score

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90 candles for a 90 year old

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Traditional Champagne Tea at the Swan Lavenham

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Royal Opera House

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Lunch is served

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Giggling Squid Logo

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Top Table at the Charter Lunch

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Margaret and president Ed Harrison

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Beauvoir Arms Sign

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Our Group at the Gazette

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Blue Bell Line Logo

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Tour Party two and the guide

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Malcolm receiving the award from President Keith Wood

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Ben pulls out another Plum

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The usual suspects....

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Christmas Tree

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Christmas Lunch 2013

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Engage Rotary Change Lives

2013 Charter Lunch

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Outgoing President Trevor hands the chain of office to Keith Wood

A New President for 2013-14

more Members, wives and visiting Rotarians meet to celebrate the successes of outgoing President Trevor Stansfield and welcome new President Keith Wood and Vice President Michael Ginn to their new roles.

The narrow boat Victoria on the canal

President's Day 2013 - Canal Trip

more We celebrated the end of Trevor's successful year as president with a trip on the Chelmer & Blackwater canal for members, partners and friends. A great day was had by all.

Christmas Lunch 2012

more A final lunch of 2012 to celebrate our work during the year and, with Inner Wheel, to present cheques to the beneficiaries of our joint fundraising Autumn Musicfest.

2012 Charter Lunch

more Rotary Club of Billericay's Charter Lunch to celebrate its 53rd. year was held at "the Chichester" Rawreth. Honorary member The Lord Petre and District 1240 Governor Ian McMeekan also attended along with members and friends.

Winter 2012 Wine Festival Trip

more A trip was organised to attend the Laithwaites Wine Festival at Vinopolis in London. Transport left Billericay at 4 p.m. members tasted a multitude of wines followed by a great steak meal afterwards at a local restaurant before returning home.

Clay Pigeon Shoot 2012

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Rugby (Twickenham 2012)

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RIBI Annual Conference 2012

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Program Cover

Wine Festival Spring 2012

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The First group of Paul Harris Fellows of 2012

Paul Harris Fellowships 2012

more The club has nominated six people for Paul Harris Fellowships in recognition of their outstanding contribution to Rotary and to the wider community.

From Malcolm to Trevor

Handover Meeting 2011-12 & Paul Harris Fellowships

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Triple Sapphire to Malcolm Acors

Membership & Social Events

back The Rotary Club of Billericay is part of the international Rotary movement of 1.2 million members and welcomes new members. It is a thriving club with an enjoyable social dimension.