Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower members celebrated their Chartering as a new Rotary Club, on February 10, 1990, with a “Big Bang” dinner held at Crondon Park on the last Thursday at the end of August.
Carol and President PatrickI, along with IPP Roger and Sarah, attended this Mayflower event on behalf of our club.
The evening was a tribute to the formation of the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower, which we had instigated as its mother club. Eleven founder members were present to enjoy the evening. All were made very welcome by President Alistair Moulds and all the Mayflower members.
The programme started with a very amusing address from Sid Slater who was Vice President at the formation of Mayflower, and who reminded us of the build-up to its official Chartering, and particularly about the tragic loss of the prospective first President, Peter Moore, who unfortunately died shortly before the chartering. In a tribute to Peter, he was still recorded as the "Founder President” of the club.
Patrick had found details in our club archive of the Mayflower Club's formation and read out the statement made in that year (1989/90), and followed this with a short speech about the formation of their club, as he was on the committee with Peter Murray, Harry Boughen and Ivan Gibson which decided that a new evening Rotary Club gave the public more opportunity to join Rotary in Billericay.
Patrick was followed by an address from Past District Governor Brian Hill-Cottingham, who was the District Extension Officer at that time, and he complimented the club on the way it had developed from its early days over 30 years ago.
After this everybody was shown an edited video of the inaugural Black Tie dinner held at the Meads Crystal Ballroom in Brentwood. This showed all the Founder Members being introduced by Peter Murray. They were all mercilessly teased by Peter with very funny comments about their Rotary “work classification”.
If you want to see the video of the event and also if you want to listen to Peter’s comments, then this video is on YouTube and can be found at:
It is notable for showing much younger versions of some current members of Mayflower and, sadly, some who have passed away, receive their membership pin.
It was a very enjoyable evening, one which was very successful and replete with much fun and laughter.
more Members turned out to support Rotary Club of Basildon's fundraiser in Thundersley
more We support Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's Christmas Market
more As usual we supported a community event by supplying six volunteers to man the gates for Round Table’s 2023 Fireworks display at Lake Meadows Park.
more A delegation of members had a great evening supporting Basildon Rotary Club's 2023 Handover event
more We supported Basildon Concord's fundraiser in Benfleet
more We supported our daughter club in collecting for this charity
more Saturday 28th January saw the Chantry Centre packed to capacity for the annual Billericay Town Rotary Club quiz. Our team was Michael, Les and Val, paired with three from Billericay Mayflower - President Mark Chambers, plus Barry and Angie Fagg
more Members supported Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's premier event - the Christmas Market
more Nine Members of our club and partners supported our friends from Basildon Rotary Club at their Charter Dinner
more Many members supportedRotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's fundraising event
more A Murder Mystery night raising Money for Rotary Club of Billericay Town's Charitable Causes.
more We helped prepare and then supported the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower on the day
more We joined Basildon Rotary Club in celebrating their Charter Evening
more We entered a team in the Rotary Club of Billericay Town's virtual quiz in aid of the local charity BOSP, and scoop the winner's prize.
more We support the Rotary Club of Billericay Town which has a fundraising venture to manufacture Covid-19 Face Coverings.
more Rotary Club of Billericay are delighted to support the Billericay Lions Santa Sleigh collections again this year.
more A most enjoyable night with our friends at the Rotary Club of Basildon, and £265 raised for Mercy Ships.
more Billericay's new Rotary Club is Chartered
more A most enjoyable night with our friends at the Rotary Club of Basildon, and over £300 raised for Children in Need,
more We win the Satellite Rotary Club of Billericay Town Quiz night in aid of Headway Essex
more President Peter Greene and Wendy, Patrick Rothon and Carol, and Roger Kettle and Sarah all enjoyed Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's hospitality at its 2018 Charter Night.
more Club Members help out as marshals at Rotary Club of Basildon Concord’s Mayfest in Basildon Town Square. A great showcase of local charities.
more Rotary Club of Billericay Town Quiz Night raises over £700 for Charity
more 70 participants enjoyed a very successful Charity Race Night at Laindon - 8 Races, 8 horses each, but ... we didn't get enough winners! Never mind - the charities were the real winners!
more On May 13, we supported the Rotary Club of Basildon Concord’s Mayfest. We reciprocate the help and support provided to us by other service clubs whenever we are able.
more Members work with other Rotary clubs including travelling to Harwich to advise on the use of conventional and electronic tools to spread the word about Rotary
more Basildon's 56th Charter Night
more Joining Basildon Concord Rotary club to help them raise money for charity, for fellowship and ... for a good night out!
more Fellowship at Wickford Rotary Club and a worthwhile charity
more A major exhibition on the centenary of WWI, featuring contributions from the Western Front association and four local Billericay Junior schools - Buttsbury, Quilters, ST Johns, St Peters.
more Club Members supported the Rotary Club of Ongar's heritage event in aid of the Motor Neurone Disease Association and the local St Clare Hospice.
more Members of our club helped Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower, our daughter club, collecting over £2300 for the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.
more The District organized quiz to raise awareness of Rotary, raise money for Lancaster School and make an attempt on the World Record for the most people at a quiz. We sent along a team to participate. A great time was had by all.
more Joining Ingatestone Rotary club for to help them raise money, for fellowship and a quiz, and almost triumphing!
more We supported the Rotary Club of Billericay Mayflower's fundraising event - an Italian Quiz Night with a team of club members and their wives.
more Billericay Reading Rooms celebrates its 150 Year Anniversary.
more Club Members supported two major local fundraising events, organised by others, on Sunday May 18th. 2014. The Rotary Club of Basildon Bike Ride and the Billericay Fun Walk.
more Supporting Basildon Rotary Club at their fundraising Concert.
more Several Billericay club members are among the Trustees of our town's Cater Museum and Christine Brewster, the well-liked and respected Curator of the museum for over 11 years, came along to give a most interesting talk to the club about the museum's achie
more Bonus distribution for the Fun Walk - this year an extra 60%.
more And he didn't even get wet.
more The Billericay Art Trail 2013 brings together artists, retailers, caterers and community groups of Billericay to showcase the talents of local artists and to encourage more people to visit the wide variety of facilities in the town.
more Many members of Billericay Rotary Club supported the St. Luke's Hospice Events Group by supporting its fundraising Charity Race night.
more Club members enjoyed a social outing in a good cause - supporting the Rotary Club of Basildon in their Charity Firewalk by sponsoring walkers, and cheering them on at the event.
more Members travelled to Lord de Ramsey's garden in Abbots Ripton to support this major Charity Garden and Food Show.
back These pages describe our activities in support of other organizations raising funds for those in need or supporting our local community.