The Rotary Club of Billericay has had links to the Ciamanda Primary School (Head Teacher Lucy Mbogo) in Embu County, Kenya since 2018 when we funded renovation of Nursery Classrooms in the school. Ciamanda is approximately 3 hours drive north-east of Nairobi in the foothills of Mount Kenya.
Since 2019, the water supply in Embu, Kenya has been intermittent and unreliable due to lack of rain, and as a result, crops are failing, and hygiene suffering. Lucy, in her role as Chairman of the local Headteachers Association for Embu and Secretary for the Mount Kenya Region identified the need for a reliable source of clean water for the school children and to support the school’s feeding program.
The Rotary Club of Billericay funded a pilot well in Lucy’s school at Ciamanda, and raised money to fund a total of six wells at Ciamanda and neighbouring schools in Embu.
The pilot was a complete success, being completed in the 2019 Christmas break for only $3,000. The Rotary Club of Billericay then obtained a Rotary District Grant of £3,000 and a commitment of over $6,000 from the five other European Rotary Clubs with which we have links in our “Double Triangular” Group. With the help of a crowdfunding campaign via GlobalGiving, we sought to raise the balance of $18,000 to fund a six borewells in six Primary Schools.
We partnered with the Rotary Club of Embu. It formed a project committee with Mrs Mbogo to provide vital local planning, management and financial controls on the ground in Kenya to see the wells built and the project completed.
The Crowdfunding was such a success, that, with the addition of a further small Rotary District Grant of £2,500, we raised a total of over $30,000. This funded not only the original six wells, but also an extra and additional four wells.
Thanks to this project ten primary schools in Embu County, Kenya all have fresh, clean flowing water all day long and all year round, for drinking, watering their crops, cooking food, cleaning their School, washing & general hygiene. International co-operation between Rotary Clubs and via Crowdfunding really does deliver the goods!
more Margaret Fowler returned in March 2023 to see what progress had been made since her November visit.
more Club members Rev. Margaret Fowler reports on her October visit to Kenya to see our Borewells in operation.
more Fundraising exceeded expectations and we are able to fund not just the original 6 Borewells, but a total of 10 borewells in all.
more Make these children Happy and Safe! Help deliver Fresh clean water for 2,500 Kenyan Schoolchildren by donating to this project. Donate here.
more Bonus Day event - Give on December 9 and help us win a prize for the most donors to this project.
more The background to our story
more A personal reflection by Rtn. Revd. Margaret Fowler
more How we used Crowdfunding to raise the "missing" money we needed.
more A resume of the origin, support and delivery of the project
more Key conclusions we learnt from this project.
more A selection of videos taken during the project implementation at some of the schools where the wells are being dug.
back 5,500 children at 10 schools in Kenya, are benefitting from reliable, fresh, clean water for drinking, washing, cleaning, and watering of crops. This will make a huge difference to their lives for less than ten pounds per child.