Drilling for Water -Kenya 2019

First steps in delivering secure water supplies in Kenya through new boreholes.

Embu Rotary Club ... and Rtn. Margaret

Vital Boreholes In Ciamanda

We Challenge Our International Colleagues To Join Our Project At the Rotary Club Reunion in Beausoleil

At the Rotary Club Reunion in Beausoleil, Malcolm Acors made a powerful presentation of our Borehole Project in aid of St Francis Ciamanda Primary and Secondary Schools (See "Sun, Sea and Sexagenarians ..." report under "International Fellowship" elsewhere on this website.

The Borehole Project. 

Club member Rev Margaret Fowler went to Ciamanda, Kenya in late October, taking a Community Aquabox to provide clean drinking water immediately and funding authorisation so work could start immediately on building our first new borehole - in Ciamanda.  Margaret takes up the story:

Missions Completed - Excitement As We Go Forward in Kenya

"After ten years of travelling to Kenya as part of the Chelmsford Diocesan link with schools, I have never tired of making the long journey.  It is always exciting, although I am never completely sure of the programme till I get there - I just go with the flow.
I did, however, have three main objectives this time.  The first was to take the first steps in delivering a borehole to Ciamanda Primary School, funded by the Rotary Club of Billericay, the second to attend an Embu Rotary Club meeting after linking up with two Rotarians on my last trip in March, and the third objective was to attend the Consecration of St Paul’s Church in Ciamanda Parish.

My church, Christ Church Billericay, had been helping the community at Magaca to build their church and now, after 15 years, it was completed.  I had been invited to attend the consecration and so I ensured my visit coincided with the consecration date.

Water Filter

I had carried with me on my flight, as luggage, an Aquabox community water filter donated by the Rotary Club of Billericay.  I took this to the Embu Rotary Club meeting and explained to them what it was.  The filter was subsequently delivered to a remote community at Gatama, NE Kenya, which is a very dry area, by Rev. Maxwell Mombasa (with whom we had stayed).

Embu Rotary Club meet at the Izaak Walton hotel.  When I got there, it was interesting to see the familiar Rotary items on the table in front of President Paul Kiragu,  “Rotary and Peace the world over” I thought!

Warmly welcomed, we exchanged club pennants.  I had only 15 minutes to prepare to speak on being a priest and a Rotarian - but that’s Kenya and you just do it!  The following day I discovered that a poster invitation to the meeting with my photograph on it had been put on Facebook.

My Borehole Brief

I was given a polite hearing to my presentation.  We invited them, the Rotary Club of Embu, to join with the Rotary Club of Billericay and five other European Rotary Clubs to fund more boreholes in the area around Ciamanda so they could become water secure.  A most successful presentation because on my return to the UK, Rotarian Ruth Ndwiga emailed me to say: 

“...We have confirmed that we shall partner with your club on this project.  Kindly share that with your members.  We look forward to this partnership and thank you for giving us the challenge to do this.  Ruth.”

As a footnote to this, we were at the Izaak Walton hotel a few days later when a Dutch couple arrived for lunch. They recognised me from the Rotary Club Facebook poster!  They had recently moved to Kenya and said they were interested in joining Rotary.

Mudholes & Consecration

The rainy season and it rained very hard every night and sometimes during the day too.  I had never seen rain like it.  The main road through Embu is tarmac, but once you leave that in the rainy season you’re in very different territory!

The mud roads have deep, deep ruts and you slide on the mud just as you might on an icy road.  We got stuck one day after a pastoral visit, but kind people appeared out of the bush to help us get going again.

So we prayed that on the day of Consecration of St Paul’s Church the rain would stay away and it did! 

This was a special moment. It gave me the opportunity to show Bishop David the Rotary Club of Billericay proposal for the borehole project. He was very moved that we cared so much about this little community at Ciamanda.

More updates on the Borehole Project in future reports.  On completion, our Club will report on achievements, differences made, and actual cost, so that our international Rotary Club friends will fund the boreholes for neighbouring schools.

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The Team


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Our Foundation

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Every Rotarian Every Year

New Award from Rotary Foundation

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The School Assembled

Borewells Status

more Member Margaret Fowler visits Embu County, Kenya to establish funding requirements to repair any faulty Borewells.

End Polio Now Vaccination Campaign

End Polio Christmas Quiz 2022

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4000 Crocus Corms Planted!

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Foundation Citation

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View of the Terrace

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Foundation Chairman Martin Sulley

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All the Attendees

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The Service at St Mary Magdalen

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The Team at work

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Trick Convoy on Route

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Members Assembled

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Purple for Polio

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Moldova and the location of the school

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Lucy Mbogo (LHS) and Rtn. Ruth Ndwiga (Embu RC)

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The Team assembles for the walk

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Amateur Orchestra of Catalonia

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Thanks for your support

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Margaret Fowler - as featured on Facebook!

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Water flows from the new Well

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Terrible Fires devastate huge areas

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The old way of collecting water - Magaca School

The Gift of Life 2020

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The derelict shelter

Mwondu House Project, Embu Kenya - 2020

more Club Member Margaret Fowler reports on the house for a desperately in need family and for which she was the driving force to raise money

What it was like.

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Life Straw in action

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more We join our International "twinning" clubs in funding Beausoleil's “Life Straw” project

 A room full of Fellows

International Day Lunch

more 136 Paul Harris Fellows attended a lunch to celebrate the birthday of Rotary International, and we received a certificate for our financial support of the End Polio Now - for the second year running.

Mercy Ship at sea

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Thank you plaque

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Rotary Award 2020-21

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Plaque celebrating our support

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Enjoying the company!

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Secondary School Pupils in Ciamanda

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more Our very own member, Rev Margaret Fowler, enlightened us on June 4 about her eighth visit to the African continent and Ciamanda, Kenya and its need for support for secondary education.

Masizame Logo

Masizame 2016

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Nepal after the 'Quake

ShelterBox Links with Rotary

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The Fight against Ebola

more Main beneficiaries of our Grand Raffle were charities involved in the fight against Ebola. This year's main recipient was Medecins Sans Frontieres, from whom a most moving letter of thanks has been received.

Help fight Ebola & Sponsor Disaster Relief.

Fighting Ebola In The Market Place

more Billericay Rotary Club's annual Grand Christmas Raffle is in Aid of Charities facing the threat of Ebola, ShelterBox, and other charities supported by Rotary.

Child & Youth Care Centre children in their new uniforms

Masizame Children's Shelter 2015 - II

more The Shelter expresses its gratitude for the generous donation to fund new school uniforms for this year.

Masizame Children's Shelter Bus Appeal - 2015

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Outstanding achievement - Billericay Rotary club received a Bronze award.   We donated over £10,000 to fund 25 Shelter Boxes for international disaster relief.

Shelter Box Donations

more In an outstanding achievement - Billericay Rotary club has gained a Bronze award for donating over £10,000 to fund 25 Shelter Boxes for international disaster relief - a notable achievement in charitable donations.

The ShelterBox Team after the work is done.

How many Rotarians does it take to ...

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ShelterBox Donation to the Philippines

more ShelterBox saves lives ..again. The latest of our sponsored boxes goes to the Philippines.

Our latest Box goes to Zimbabwe

New Club ShelterBox Donations 2014

more ShelterBox saves lives ..again. Our latest sponsored box goes to Zimbabwe.

Aid to Kosovo

more We were privileged to have as speakers the two Ingatestone postmen, Dennis Sweeting and Steve Biggs, who have taken the time to organise a convoy of clothing and other vital materials to the stricken people of Kosovo.

End Polio Now

more Billericay Rotary Club hs supported the End Polio campaign since 1987, as a club initiative and in support of Rotary International's campaign to "End Polio Now". Highlighting Rotary's contribution in the Press is great publicity and encourages donations.

International GSE Team visit 2011

more Group Study Exchange supports travel for teams of non-Rotarians from a variety of professions. This records briefly the visit of the GSE Team from Brazil in 2011.

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Embu Rotary Club ... and Rtn. Margaret

Foundation & International

back The club's activities in support of the Rotary Foundation and International links.