How to Join

information on joining with us and making a difference

Steps for you to follow if you wish to participate, there is no pressure on you - you can give as much time and skills as you feel able to do - that could be as little as 2 hours each month; or as much as a couple of hours each week, or more - if you desire to be further involved.


Who can participate?

Any gender / no age restriction / working or retired;

Anyone of good character; professional; business or community reputation.

Willing to strive to hold high moral and ethical standards at all times, in what you do.

You may wish to come along for a meal beforehand, (which you pay for) - whenever you dine, this allows Rotarians to share in some friendly fellowship as well as, updating others on various happenings.

Levels of Membership

Associate Member (all ages)

Associates are free to attend any of our Rotary meetings, participate in any of the projects - you are unable to vote on any direct Rotary matters, although you can lead a project. We ask that you contribute £36 per year, that is £20 towards the Rotary Foundation (our own Rotary Charity) and an administration fee of £16 towards your lapel bar; name badge and members pack.

Active Rotaract Member (18-30'ish) 

As a Rotaract member, you are free to attend any Rotary meetings around the world, participate in any of our  projects and events, vote on any matters requiring decisions and direction, take on a role as a Rotary Leader as well as, stand for various officer roles in District, should you meet the criteria. The annual fee for a Rotaract member in Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs, is £36 (i.e. £3 each month). For your lapel bar; name badge; members pack. (and a donation to the Rotary Foundation - our own Rotary Charity.)

Active Member (18+)

You are free to attend any Rotary meetings around the world, participate in any of our projects and events, vote on any matters requiring decisions and direction, take on a role as a Rotary leader as well as, volunteer to stand for various Office roles in District, should you meet the criteria. The annual fee for Active Member is currently £120. (this can be 12 x £10; or a one off payment £120; or '2 x £60 due on 1st July and 1st January; or 5 x £24 on 5 consecutive months from registration). These fees are for the following dues; Rotary InternationaI/Rotary in Britain & Ireland; District 1320 Rotary in Scotland South; The Rotary Foundation (our own Rotary Charity); no administration fee towards the lapel bar; name badge; members pack..

Corporate (18+) / Family (all ages) / Education Cluster Member (18+)

You are free to attend any of our Rotary meetings; participate in any of the projects and events, this membership allows up to 4 named individuals who can rotate attendance, to enable as much flexibility as required between them - the First is registered as an Active Member £120; the second has a reduced membership of £108; the remaining two are Registered as Associate Members at £36. Therefore any two of the named 4 individuals can vote and stand for any officer role they meet the criteria for. It is assumed that the second named individual will have a role with either Rotaract  / Interact / or Rotakids - the 3 'youth' sections of Rotary. All 4 named individuals will get the lapel bar; name badge; members pack.

e-satellite Member (18+)

You are free to attend any of our Rotary meetings in person; although the e-satellite is set up to enable participation from any part of the world, into the criteria that the e-satellite was established; e.g. our initial offering is 'Culinary Ability Chefs - NRG' Rotary satellite; which has been set up specifically to support those with a range of disabilities, wishing to pursue a career in the Hospitality / catering industries.
The annual fee for an Active satellite Member is £120 i.e. £10 x 12 monthly payments; or a payment of £120 made in one transfer; or 2x £60 transfers on 1st July and 1st January; 5 x £24 each month after registration.. Meetings will be held once every 2 weeks; at a day and time to be specified by the participants. Members can elect their own officers and may also stand for District roles, should they meet the criteria.
The e-satellite members can also select their own Projects and seek assistance from all the other registered membership levels, to participate - you may also choose to participate in the main Rotary projects of Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs Rotary.

if you wish to know more: 

Jimmy JohnstonContact Jimmy Johnston about this page:

(ALL fields required)

(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

A satellite of Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs Rotary, aimed at those involved with Culinary Abilities & those with disabilities training to follow a career in Hospitality & catering.


Rotary in Glasgow North & Bishopbriggs need YOU... to enable Rotary to continue to have a presence and a positive impact in the community, locally & internationally - we are looking for other volunteers to join with us.


information on joining with us and making a difference


Rotary has 7 'areas of focus', which identify opportunities for our Rotarians to make a difference.
