Burns Supper

Mon, Jan 29th 2018 at 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Our annual Burns Supper celebrating our local bard

Burns silhouette

On 29th January 2018, Rotary Club of Alloway members, guests and entertainers, met at The Savoy Hotel, Ayr to remember and hear the works of our local bard. We gathered for fellowship before taking our seats.

The evening began with the top table being piped in, before a warm welcome by the President Esther Gordon and the Selkirk Grace being said by John Thomson. Then our very own Farmer Murdoch gave the address tae the Haggis

The musical entertainment was provided by Sophie Craig singing, accompanied by Fiona Sykes on fiddle and Mr Dennis Haggerty, an accompanist The MC Mr William Cunningham recited his very own poem asking what dear Rabbie would make of the 21st century. Barrel rhymes with Farrell

 Hugh Farrell gave the Immortal Memory to Robert Burns, and what an entertaining and interesting memory it was. Whilst Hugh went off to don a nightgown and night cap, we heard again from Sophie and Fiona, and the raffle was drawn. The bottle of whiskey was won by our very own Mr Robert Wilson.

On his return, in night attire, Hugh Farrell acted Holy Wullie's Prayer.

Immediate Past President George Irving gave the vote of thanks, and summed up the evening in a truly grateful manner, capturing the mood of the evening, for which our President Nominee Joy Rivett, will be eternally grateful.

After a verse or two of Auld Lang Syne we bid adieu.

And each took off their several way

resolved to meet some ither day”

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