The Month That Was That Was Jan 25

A month where 'Service Before Self' took front stage

Service before Self is the Rotary Motto, and January saw us living up to it. Members dedicated time on a very cold January morning to collecting Christmas trees in support of St Margaret’s Hospice and at the following business meeting signed up to supporting new projects in ’25 that will very much be in the spirit of giving service to the community.

50 Trays of Bread

The first Monday saw us back at the Crown for supper, a little fellowship and a brilliant talk by local celebrity and baker, Bob Burns. Bob is a past Rotarian and was awarded a MBE in 2016 for services to the community. Born and raised in Glastonbury, Bob set up his first bakery in the early 80’s and has never looked back. With the next generation taking up the reigns, Bob is now concentrating on his baking school. Never one to miss an opportunity, he not only kept members enthralled with stories from his youth and the bakery, but also gave his new book a little bit of promotion – and the title, well, easy to guess “50 Trays of Bread”.

Collecting Used Xmas Trees

Not as crazy as it sounds. Members of the public are invited to register on a web site organised by St Margaret’s hospice for their ‘used’ Xmas tree to be collected and taken to a recycling centre for the princely sum of £15 a tree. Wells Rotary (more strictly John Lover) then organises members into teams to go round collecting them on a designated Saturday and transporting them to the recycling centre on the Mendips

This year four teams with cars and trailers collected over 110 trees, raising circa £1500 for the hospice. A splendid effort and well done to John and team.

Kerry from St Margaret’s has already written to express heartfelt thanks for everyone’s help with the collection this year, confirming that their time and effort made a real difference. Including the contribution from Wells Rotary, well over 2,000 trees were collected raising in total over £32,850 for the hospice, which will hugely impact the community.

Kerry will be joining us at the March business meeting at the Museum to update members on the work of St Margaret’s..

...and Back at the Museum

The third Monday of the month saw us back at the Wells & Mendip Museum for our monthly business meeting. A busy evening that kicked off with the judging of entries for the Young Photographer of the Year Competition. There were 3 categories. Post meeting the judging panel lead by Nick James ARPS from DH James photographic shop on Sadler St met to finalise the judging and confirmed the three winning entries as:



Junior Category                            Intermediate Category                         Senior Category

 Calming Ripples by Sonny       Morning School Run by  Kylie    Sunset Reflections by Heidi

The winning entries have been forwarded into the District 1200 competition and the entrants placed first, second and third in each category have been awarded a gift voucher to exchange at DH James.

Ray then took to the floor, presenting to the club the proposal that Wells Rotary should support the D1200 Rotary Kids Out project in 2025. This would involve members organising for disadvantaged children from local schools to participate in the Rotary Children's Fun Day at Longleat. The Kids will have a trip through the Safari Park and use of the various amusements. Subject to Ray being able to agree detailed arrangements on participation, the club agreed to the proposal. As many of the children are likely to have special needs, the project will require that a number of members give time to helping take the children there and helping look after them on the day.

Alan followed Ray with an update on the Postcard Art exhibition, to which he and other members of the club are giving substantial time. This project is in support of the Wells & Mendip Museum which, although it has excellent collections and full accreditation status, is struggling with its finances, particularly its routine running costs. Income is derived from various sources including one off fund-raising efforts by the Trustees.

To this end Wells Rotary club has joined forces with the museum trustees to organise an exhibition and auction of postcard art. Postcard size pieces of artwork donated by local artists are being exhibited and sold through auction to raise funds. The club has set up an on-line catalogue on the Wells Rotary web site to facilitate a blind auction for all pieces and will be helping the Trustees to set up and run an exhibition of the art pieces at the museum ahead of a live auction set for the evening of 22nd February.

Using the projector and main screen, Alan took members through a demonstration of the on-line catalogue and silent auction web pages.


Finally Angela and Mike presented the outline proposal for the club to join with Wells City Harriers in organising the Wells Festival of Running. If adopted as a club project, this would be a major undertaking for the club and would involve substantial effort but could become a significant annual community-facing event. Subject to exploring the proposal in greater detail the members present confirmed positive support for continued dialogue and discussion with the Harriers

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Our efforts as a Club towards making a difference by supporting local and international good causes came into sharp focus in November.


With so many seasoned members, it is hard to spring a surprise, however this month we had a very special surprise.


Now closed the 2025 competition theme was ‘Wonderful Water’. Letting their imagination fly and interpreting it as broadly as they wished, entrants showed their creative talent in sharing what the theme meant to them.


A month where 'Service Before Self' took front stage


Club members helped to organise and stage an Exhibition and Auction of Post Card Art


Fun was clearly the theme for December

Volunteers from Wells Rotary in action in Nepal

Working together we are united in the challenge of making a difference to the lives of others


October was quite a quiet month by recent standards for the club, that said though looking back across our diaries in addition to our normal routine gatherings there were quite a few project planning meetings looking forward into 2025

Defibrillators - have we got any and where are they?

Conscious of the need for rapid access to defibrillators following a coronary event, Wells Rotary has been working to make these life-saving machines available to the public at all times. It is an ongoing project.

Fireworks at the Festival

Wells Rotary has been stewarding the Festival for over 35 years: not only have we raised over £100,000 for humanitarian projects but also have seen a lot of amazing artists. We all have personal memories and highlights from the experience.

In 2000 Rotarians from Wells trekked out to a remote area in North Nepal to build a health clinic. They came up with the idea of holding an annual Boules Tournament to support the clinic and the rest is history.

Held annually in the Bishop's Palace gardens in the centre of Wells, the Wells Charity Boules Tournament is a fun event for all of the family.


Each week a team of listeners goes to St Cuthbert’s Primary School to listen to children read. It is so rewarding to see the positive impact on the children’s reading skills.


Helping the blind and partially sighted


Rotary District 1200 comprises Wells Rotary along with the other rotary clubs of Somerset, West Wilts and West Dorset. Circa 1200 is our district news sheet. Follow the link below to Circa 1200 to see what is going on across Somerset


Rotary in Wells is part of the global Rotary International, working with other clubs to eradicate polio, to help with other natural disasters, and to help those less fortunate than ourselves elsewhere in the world


A busy month but with some disappointment


A busy but fun month for members


June was the last month with President Angela in the chair and still the heart and soul of the club.

President Angela welcomes Ray to the club

Wells Rotary inaugurates RotaKids club
