The Month That Was That Was Jan 24

What a great thing to do: collecting around 120 trees and raising funds for St. Margaret’s Hospice.

Christmas Tree Collection

What a great thing to do, collect other people’s Christmas trees and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way. The preparation stage was the most important Bacon butties at Morrisons. There were three teams from Wells Rotary revving their engines ready to get a good workout by collecting Christmas trees. In total they collected around 120 trees raising (TBC) over £1,500 for St. Margaret’s Hospice.

Social Evening at the Venue Club

Middle of month saw a simple social evening with Rotarians and friends. We settled on a friendly game of skittles - men against women. Believe it or not, it was a tie and we all went home with a winning smile.

Thank you to Richard for keeping score: he couldn’t play due to a snapped Achilles. Ouch!

Cathedral Community Day 20th January

It was quite a busy, but nevertheless a great day. Along with the other local clubs and groups attending we set our stall up early in the morning illustrating all that Wells Rotary does and the many and varied projects that we support.The Cathedral arranged all day entertainment and there was a steady flow of people coming to look around and find out more about what is going on across our community. Pleasingly we had quite a few people enquire about Rotary which made the day very worthwhile.

Information Evening

Due to the interest received at the Community Day we decided to turn our buisness meeting at end January into an information evening. All those involved with projects stood and gave a short talk on them. At the beginning of the meeting we had judging for the Youth Photo and Picture competition. The theme this year was 'Reconstruction', and some of the entries were really thought provoking. We didn’t get a huge number of entries this year, but we did get quality which made it very difficult to decide. Hopefully we will have photos of the entries in next month's newsletter.

Dylan and Aaron also joined us to talk about the Connect Centre. It was really inspiring to hear them talk about their project, which is to help and support homeless people. Accommodation is provided at the Dairy House Farm for those that need it - it is a really nice location. Counselling for drug, alcohol, or other abuse is available if needed, and when they are ready to move on, residents are helped to find suitable accommodation.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Helping the blind and partially sighted


Each week a team of listeners goes to St Cuthbert’s Primary School to listen to children read. It is so rewarding to see the positive impact on the children’s reading skills.


June was the last month with President Angela in the chair and still the heart and soul of the club.


To find our further detail on meetings and events please contact club President Angela

Volunteers from Wells Rotary in action in Nepal

Working together we are united in the challenge of making a difference to the lives of others


Quiet but Nevertheless busy Months

President Angela welcomes Ray to the club

Wells Rotary inaugurates RotaKids club


What a great thing to do: collecting around 120 trees and raising funds for St. Margaret’s Hospice.


They can only save lives with our combined support.


At Wells Rotary Club we are involved with various activities within the community, from working with young people through Kids Out, Young Chef and Public speaking, to organising the Santa Fun Run and Christmas Tree Collection.


Rotary District 1200 comprises Wells Rotary along with the other rotary clubs of Somerset, West Wilts and West Dorset. Circa 1200 is our district news sheet. Follow the link below to Circa 1200 to see what is going on across Somerset

Defibrillators - have we got any and where are they?

Conscious of the need for rapid access to defibrillators following a coronary event, Wells Rotary has been working to make these life-saving machines available to the public at all times. It is an ongoing project.


Rotary in Wells is part of the global Rotary International, working with other clubs to eradicate polio, to help with other natural disasters, and to help those less fortunate than ourselves elsewhere in the world

In 2000 Rotarians from Wells trekked out to a remote area in North Nepal to build a health clinic. They came up with the idea of holding an annual Boules Tournament to support the clinic and the rest is history.

Held annually in the Bishop's Palace gardens in the centre of Wells, the Wells Charity Boules Tournament is a fun event for all of the family.

Fireworks at the Festival

Wells Rotary has stewarding the Festival for over 35 years: not only have we raised over £100,000 for humanitarian projects but also have seen a lot of amazing artists. We all have personal memories and highlights from the experience.


In commemoration of the Queens Platinum Jubilee the West and East Mendip Ways were re-launched as a single 50-mile walk branded as "The Mendip Way".


President Angela welcomes Ray Adlam to Wells Rotary in April
