Local schools plant crocus bulbs

Thu, Dec 7th 2023 at 5:59 pm - 7:59 pm

With a little help from members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools have planted purple crocus bulbs in their school grounds.


With a little help from members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools have planted purple crocus bulbs in their school grounds. Additionally, pupils from Wellesley Park have also planted crocus bulbs in the grounds of Oaktree Court Care Home. A total of 4000 bulbs have been planted to create a purple crocus welcome next Spring.


The Rotary Club of Wellington would like to thank the Head Teachers and Staff of IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools for supporting this initiative, and of course the children who did the planting!


The purple crocus is a symbol of Rotary’s worldwide polio eradication campaign, with its colour representing the purple dye used to mark the finger of a child who has been immunised.


Rotary’s pledge for a polio free world was made in 1985, when there were 125 polio endemic countries, and hundreds of new cases every single day. Thanks to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, of which Rotary is a partner, there are now just two countries still classed as endemic: Pakistan and Afghanistan. But no child anywhere is safe until every child has been fully vaccinated. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyse as many as 200,000 children each year.


The Rotary Club of Wellington continues to play its part in the End Polio Now campaign, donating annually to the cause from its charity account.




Attached Images:

IKB Nov ’23 - Children from IKB Primary School planting crocus bulbs in the school grounds.

WP at Oaktree Nov '23 - Children from Wellesley Park Primary School planting crocus bulbs at Oaktree Court Care Home.

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Pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park primary schools planted 1700 crocus bulbs


With a little help from members of the Rotary Club of Wellington, pupils from IKB and Wellesley Park Primary Schools have planted purple crocus bulbs in their school grounds.


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