President Brian presents a cheque to

Zoe Steer, head of fundraising for the charity "Love Musgrove" talks to the club

The Rotary Club of Wellington supports “Love Musgrove”


The Rotary Club of Wellington welcomed Zoë Steer, Head of Fundraising, for the charity “Love Musgrove”, to its Monday lunchtime meeting at the Beambridge Inn. “Love Musgrove” is one of the three main charities being supported by the Club in the current Rotary year which ends in June 2024.


Zoë explained that “Love Musgrove” is Musgrove Park Hospital’s official registered charity and donations received by the charity are used to purchase new medical equipment and for improvements to the hospital’s facilities and services, making a difference for patients at what is often a difficult time.


The charity recently raised £1 million for a third MRI scanner and has been able to purchase incubators for babies in the special baby care unit and chemotherapy chairs for cancer patients. Donations are used to update and refurbish facilities within the hospital. This can mean simply buying new chairs and tables for a waiting room or completely refurbishing a clinic. Creating something new is expensive, so by using the charity’s funds to build or refurbish means that the hospital’s limited NHS budget does not have to be used and can be focussed entirely on saving and treating patients. Not too long ago the charity raised £100,000 to modernise, expand and upgrade the Maternity Unit to provide a better experience for families right across Somerset. Two brand new recovery rooms for mum and baby have been created and additional scanning facilities provided in the Antenatal Clinic.


Donations are not just used for major projects but are also used for the little things such as art and music on the wards, toys and games for children and even the occasional tea party. Nobody wants to be in hospital, but thanks to “Love Musgrove” people’s stay can be made that little more comfortable.


At the end of the Rotary year “Love Musgrove” will receive a share of the monies raised during the year, mainly from the generosity of the people of Wellington, Rockwell Green and the surrounding area. In the meantime Rotary President Brian Withers presented Zoë with a cheque for £100.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

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Zoe Steer, head of fundraising for the charity "Love Musgrove" talks to the club


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