Chard Rotary welcomes the 'Ice Maidens'

Hear about the intrepid team of six who became the first 'All Woman' team to traverse the Antarctic Peninsula unsupported.

Chard will become one of the first places in the country to hear, from one of the participants, how six members of the British Armed Forces became the world's first All-Female team to walk across the Antarctic Peninsula unsupported.

Major Natalie Taylor, one of the expedition leaders, will how the intrepid group trained for this gruelling walk and how they succeeded in crossing one of the most hostile areas of our planet.

Chard Rotary Club invite anyone who is interested in hearing about this fantastic achievement to join them in St. Mary's Church, Chard on Thursday 19th April 2018 for what should be a fascinating evening.

The event starts at 7.00pm and tickets are available from Barron's Outfitters, Holyrood Street, Chard ata cost of £5.00 per person (under 16's Free). Tickets can also be purchased on the night or reserved by ringing President Robin Williams on 07824640088.

All proceeds will be equally divided between the Rotary Foundation and a charity of Natalie's choice.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Robin WilliamsContact Robin Williams about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

Outgoing President Robin presents a Paul Harris award to Nora Arnold

Annual Handover and Past President's evening gives a few of those attending some surprises


How do I find out more about Rotary Membership?


Results of a collection for Ukraine.


Hear about the intrepid team of six who became the first 'All Woman' team to traverse the Antarctic Peninsula unsupported.

Rotary Crocus Wheel

Chard Club's contribution to the World Polio Day Celebrations

The Address to the Haggis

An evening of fun and good food


Chard Rotarians with partners spent a weekend supporting Chard Town Team at the Chard Summer Festival
