Quiz Night in support of Prostate Cancer

Fri, Mar 15th 2024 at 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Quiz Night at Darwen Cricket Club

Quiz Night in support of Prostate Cancer

Darwen Cricket Club, Mostyn Street, Darwen BB3 3PX

Friday 15th March 7.00pm for 7.30pm start

Maximum of 6 players per team

£8.00 per peson (including Potato Pie Supper)

(Vegetarian option also available)

Raffle prizes will be available on the night

Pease telephone any of the numbers below to register a team for the night. Registrations will close on Monday 4th March.

07838 467743  (Julia)

07814 295704  (Tony)

07932 664885  (Les)

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