Shropshire Youth Association (SYA) supports a number of Youth Centres across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, including one in Oswestry. It was founded in 1987 and initially was funded by Shropshire County Council but that financial support ended in 2015. Since that time it has relied upon a range of grants, charitable donations and volunteers.
Some weeks ago it made an application for funding from the Mary Hignett Fund which is administered by Oswestry and Cambrian Rotary Club. At their weekly meeting last Thursday at The Wynnstay Hotel, Claire Purcell, SYA’s Funding Manager, gave an impressive and informative presentation, explaining their work. She told Club members that:
“Our aim is to provide a range of activities and experiences that enhance young people’s mental and physical health giving rise to increased confidence and self-esteem.”
The application that had been submitted to the Mary Hignett Fund was for £575 that would enable them to purchase a Nintendo ‘Switch’, which is a gaming console, together with a range of accessories that would enable Oswestry Youth Club members to engage in a range of sports and other activities.
Oswestry and Cambrian Rotary Club President David Griffiths remarked that:
“Supporting young people is a primary focus for our Club and our members are happy to be able to support RYA’s application.”For more information on SYA:
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Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. We are looking for two candidates aged between 16 and 18 to take part in this residential event in August.
moreRotary has defined a theme of the month calender.
moreThe Role of the Community Services Committee
moreThe Role of the International Committee
moreThe Role of the Vocational Committee
moreThe Role of the Entertainment & Sports Committee
moreThe Role of the Youth Services Committee
moreThe Role of the Membership Committee
moreThe Role of Club Council
moreThe Role of the Foundation Committee
moreRole of the Public Image Committee
moreThis page allows us to help publicise community events in the Oswestry area. Sometimes we are involved in the event but sometimes we're not!
moreHistory and background of The Rotary Club of Oswestry
moreThis privacy statement explains how this Rotary Club will use any personal information we collect about you for any event/competition, received both online and offline, as well as any electronic, written or oral communication - 8th April 2018