Community Noticeboard

The new Community Noticeboard is available for Community Notices in West Kirby

Denis with the new Board

Local Charities are welcome to have their Notices displayed on our Community Board by contacting Denis Blamey on 0151 625 5523

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Denis with the new Board

Community / Vocational Service

back Rotary is renowned for its work in the the Community, both local and global, and our Club is no exception!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

We are of 'no fixed abode' at present!

Current Cover

Read All About it! (The Club Bulletin)

Crocus Planting

Rotary is renowned for its work in the the Community, both local and global, and our Club is no exception!

Gratitude for our mosquito net

How we support our International Objectives


Why we are major contributors to Rotary Foundation

Arley Hall Visit 2016

Fellowship & Fun are important too!
