International Service

How we support our International Objectives

How we support our International Objectives

 We focus on helping mainly small charities where our funds are likely to make a difference and where there are no significant overheads. Quite often these are also charities in which Rotary members are personally involved. Those we have helped recently include:

  • Eyes for East Africa: This charity works on saving sight in Kenya.  This year we provided money to modify a building for the measurement for spectacle need. We also collected frames from local opticians to be sent to the Kwale Eye Centre. Website 
  • Shelter Box: The club has supported ShelterBox for a number of years in its work to provide immediate aid to areas hit by natural or other major disasters anywhere around the globe. Website 
  • Classrooms in the Cloud: With the help of other Rotary Clubs and local charities North Wirral Rotary Club has been fortunate to obtain two grants from Rotary International towards rebuilding of a school in Nepal after a devastating earthquake and this year to provide a further 6 new and 2 refurbished classrooms including gender-friendly toilets. Website 
  • Aarti school and home for abandoned girls in Kadapa South India:  This charity provides a home and education for girls that are abandoned, many of them from birth. It also provides training for the women of the Community. We have supported this project this year, providing money for outside lighting around the girl’s accommodation. On another occasion, we donated money towards the cost of school uniforms made by the local women’s cooperative. Website 
  • Overseas Aid for Kids of Sierra Leone: OAKS is a local charity providing extensive support to a school in Bo, Sierra Leone. The club has contributed to several projects to improve the school.  Website
  • Projects organised by the Rotary Club of Phnom Penh, Cambodia: We have built up a relationship with the Rotary Club of Phnom Penh and give donations for projects such as Malaria prevention and surgical treatment for life-threatening birth defects for families in remote villages.
  • Tools with a Mission:  TWAM is a charity sending tools across the world. We collect tools which are collected by a centre in Liverpool. They are then taken to 7 refurbishment centres in the UK where they are put into useful toolkits – Builder’s kits, Carpenter’s kits Electrician’s kits etc. These are then shipped in large containers to countries where they can be used to transform lives.  They also collect sewing and knitting machines.  Contact Jill Prasad – – if you are able to donate tools. To see the tools that they accept visit their website 
  • Contribute towards international placements: We can provide a contribution towards an international placement if it meets certain criteria. Click here to find out more.
  • Polio Plus: Each year the club provides financial support for Polio Plus, Rotary International’s global polio eradication programme. Website 

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Crocus Planting

Rotary is renowned for its work in the the Community, both local and global, and our Club is no exception!

Gratitude for our mosquito net

How we support our International Objectives


Why we are major contributors to Rotary Foundation

Arley Hall Visit 2016

Fellowship & Fun are important too!
