A very Special event at our latest meeting. District Governor Tony Williams and his wife visited the club and we took the opportunity for him to present certificates marking 50 years of dedicated Rotary service to John Hawkins and Peter Lean. The photo shows John, President Elke, Peter , DG tony, Assisitant Governor Nigel Davey, Vice -Presidents Mike and David.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
Rotarians John Hawkins and Peter Lean presented with certificates by District Governor Tony Williams to mark 50 years of service.
moreJohn Allen was honoured by the club with a Paul Harris Fellowship and a certificate for over 40 years service.
moreWe are trying something new! The three presidents for 2024/25 - David Mackrell, Mike Pascoe and Elke Deeley
morePresident Elke Deeley and David Earl presenting a cheque for £5000 to shelter box's John Stanbury
moreClub activities
moreProjects that we support overseas
moreWhat we do for young people
moreHistory of the Rotary Club of St Austell