Working together

President Elke presenting certificates to Amy from The Britannia Inn

The Rotary Club of St Austell and The Britannia Inn jointly sponsored  a project

In a joint project with the Britannia Inn we raised money to sponsor toilets in foreign countries like Africa and Nepal, in all 8 toilets were sponsored. 


Every day, over 700 children under 5 die from diarrhoea linked to unsafe water, sanitation and poor hygiene.

Without proper toilets, people get trapped in a vicious cycle - they're likely to become sick through sanitation-related diseases. Illness keeps people fom working, children miss school, parents have to pay for medicines or food and fall into debt. Toilet Twinning funds hygiene education via community-led workshops and sourcing local materials for families and communities to build their own toilets.

Simquambo is proud to have built a new toilet for his family in Zambia. He says " before, they used to have to go into the bush. He'd watch in despair as his childeren regularly fell ill, without understanding why. "This is the way it's supposed to be when you'r a dad: you're meant to be able to protect your children".

After Toilet Twinning's partner explained the link between poor sanitaition and ill health, Simquambo built his pit latrine. Almost immediately, the children's health improved and there were no more trips to hospital.

"All dads should build toilets for their families !" he says.

For more information or to donate go to the website -

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The three presidents for 2024/25- David, Mike and Elke

We are trying something new! The three presidents for 2024/25 - David Mackrell, Mike Pascoe and Elke Deeley

cheque presentation to ShelterBox

President Elke Deeley and David Earl presenting a cheque for £5000 to shelter box's John Stanbury

The Rotary Club of St Austell and The Britannia Inn jointly sponsored  a project

President Elke presenting certificates to Amy from The Britannia Inn


Projects that we support overseas


What we do for young people


History of the Rotary Club of St Austell
