Presidential Handover

We are trying something new!
The three presidents for 2024/25 - David Mackrell, Mike Pascoe and Elke Deeley

The three presidents for 2024/25- David, Mike and Elke

We are trying something new by having three Presidents for this Rotary Year. Rotarians will recognise the senario of electing a new President - all heads lower and you can see the tumble weed crossing the room! well we thought lets try something new so here we are three presidents. How it will work out? we don't yet know but it will be an enjoyable experience!

'What We Do' Main Pages:

The Rotary Club of St Austell and The Britannia Inn jointly sponsored  a project

President Elke presenting certificates to Amy from The Britannia Inn

The three presidents for 2024/25- David, Mike and Elke

We are trying something new! The three presidents for 2024/25 - David Mackrell, Mike Pascoe and Elke Deeley

cheque presentation to ShelterBox

President Elke Deeley and David Earl presenting a cheque for £5000 to shelter box's John Stanbury


Projects that we support overseas


What we do for young people


History of the Rotary Club of St Austell
