Young Musicians Competition Regional Final

Competitors and sponsors of Young Musician Competition

On Saturday 12th April four very talented young people from District 1175 travelled to Blanford Forum to compete in this year's Regional Final of Young Musician organised by Rotary International and sponsored by Harrods. This is an annual event that provides young musicians and vocalists with the opportunity to showcase their talent and perform on a public stage, battling it out for the celebrated title of 'Young Musician of the Year'.

The four- stage national competition sees youngsters from across the UK showcase their musical abilities in front of a panel of judges and live audiance.

Following being the winers in the Area rounds and then intense competition in the District Finals all four competitors performed extermely well at the Regionals.

Milly Atkinson, a soprano from Plymouth, was praised by judges for the resonance of her top register and was comlimented on her French accent. Cameron Hughes from Truro wowed the audiance with his rendition of complex Cello Sonata by Prokofiev as well as a piece by Bach. We were treated to some amazing jazz and classical music from thirteen year old Lewis Allen-Waldron, a clarinetist from Ivybridge who performed his favourites from Benny Goodman. Mozart and a tribute to Artie Shaw and St Austell based Bromley Hurn delighted everyone with her charming performance of pieces ranging from Musical theatre to Puccini.

These young musicians, sponosred by the Rotary Club of Plymouth and St Austell, practise for hours a day and still find time for school work and hobbies.

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Howard Receiving certificate from president Max

Howard Rosevear is awarded a certificate for Exemplary Community Service - For making the most of short and precious lives by donating the land to Children's Hospice South West 'Little Harbour'

Max handing over cheque to Keith

One of the last tasks for Max as President was to present a cheque for £656 to Rotarian Keith Olford on behalf of Ebenezer Childcare Trust. Monies raised via a weekly raffle at the club.

President George recently presented £300 to the St Austell Food Bank after a general appeal for help over the summer period.

President George recently presented £300 to the St Austell Food Bank after a general appeal for help over the summer period.

Ian hands over to Max

Next years new president Max Archenhold receives the badge of office from outgoing President Ian Kelly

Only 4950 bulbs to go!

For over 30 years, Rotary and its members have been committed to fighting to eradicate polio across the world. To highlight the campaign St Austell Rotary Club members plant 5000 crocus bulbs on the bank by the enterance to Poltair Park.

President George presenting cheque for £1500 to Cornwall Hospice Care

President George presents £1500 to Cornwall Hospice Care following a successful Lunch with a View event at Porthpean Golf Club.

Members with Martin Banks at the National Maritime Museum lecture hall.

Club members visited the National Maritime Museum and heard a lecture from Martin Banks on the Mysterious Loss Of The Darlwyne then proceeded to Pendennis Shipyard for a tour of the facilities.


President Max presented a Certificate to Jordan Still on his successful completion of the Rotary Youth Leadership Award in 2016

Marlene and Liz with their Service Above Self awards

Marlene Bowden and Liz Rowe were awarded Service Above Self awards at the recent District changeover for their work with Young People Rotary Competitions. Marlene for her work with Young Musician Competition and Liz for Young Chef Special Competition.


The annual competition between Bugle Blues Bowling Club and St Austell Rotary was held at the clubs Goonbarrow headquarters on the last day of August


St Austell Rotary Club sponsors Brannel and Penrice schools in the crusaders under 13 20-20 cricket competition.


Jess Hill ex RYLA candidate in 2016 raised over £400 at her home village of Nanstallon by holding a coffee morning at the Chapel.

RYLA certificates presentation 2017

l. to r. Marlene Bowden (president nominee), Bernice an events manager and Fern part of the scientific team looking after the seed bank at Eden, Kay Grime widow of Barry Grime a founding member of RYLA in Cornwall finally Gordon Seabright CEO of Eden.


Competitors and sponsors of Young Musician Competition

Cloisters restraunt

60 elderly residents enjoyed a meal at Cloisters restaurant and were then entertained by the students at the Hub theatre performing the 'Spelling Bee'

Max hands over to George

The new President for 2017 is George Owens pictured here with the immediate past President Max Archenhold

Melanie Evans being welcomed into Rotary by President Ian Kelly along with sponsor Liz Rowe

Restauranter Melanie Evans joins St Austell Rotary Club

George in action at Kings Arms skittle alley

Our club St Austell took on Truro Satellite Club in this years District Skittles Competition

George inducting Chris

Newly Elected President George Owens pictured inducting the President Elect Chris Sampson.

competitors in the District Final of Young Musician 2018 plus District Governor George Eamer and organiser Marlene Bowden

The final of the Districts Young Musician competition was held at Fowey Parish Church on the 10th February 2018


Club leaflet

Howard in action

Rotary drew the match with the partially sighted bowling group at Bugle in the annual bowls match.

group photo of local heat participants plus organisers and adjudicator.

On Saturday 26th November at Holy Trinity Church, St Austell the local and area heats of Rotary Young Musician 2016 .


Projects that we support overseas


What we do for young people


History of the Rotary Club of St Austell
