Recognition and Presentations

Congratulations to Sue Home and Lynn Symons who have been recognised for their committment to the work of the Rotary Shop.

 - John Underhill and Sue Home -

- Lynn Symons and Russell Whitlock -

Congratulations to Sue Home (main photo) and Lynn Symons, who were made 'Paul Harris Fellows' in recognition of the very considerable level of committment that they have each made to the Rotary Shop of Penzance, over its first ten years of trading.

The presentations took place at the 10th Birthday celebrations for Rotary Shop volunteers (the shop has no paid staff).

Thank you to the YMCA in Alverton Road for providing a venue for the celebrations, and to the Duke Street Cafe in Newlyn for providing a cream tea for all the volunteers.

Sue Home received her Paul Harris Fellowship from Penzance Rotary President John Underhill.

Lynn Symons received her Paul Harris Fellowship from Mounts Bay Rotary President Russell Whitlock.

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Recognition and Presentations sub-pages:

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