President Alan

President's Welcome


Alan Thorpe
President 2024/25
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Kingsbridge.
We meet in the beautiful South Hams area in South Devon. If you are a Rotarian and visiting the South Hams, either on business or on holiday you are most welcome to join us at one of our meetings (see meeting times and venues) We are active throughout the year arranging community activities providing help to the community and organising fund raising events, besides enjoying fellowship amongst our members and visiting Rotarians. 

WE are also hoping to attract new members to our club, as well as new younger members we would welcome those of you who may be newly retired and/or are moving to this area as current Rotarians looking to transfer your membership: or are currently non members but would like to give a small amount of your time helping others in your retirement. If so contact our Secretary on 01548 810915 to arrange a visit to one of our meetings. 

Our Charter was granted on the 12th January 1959 and we celebrated our 60th Charter on the 26th April 2019

President Alan sub-pages:


more President Alan's monthly review