Visit to Erme Valley Riding for the Disabled Ltd

Visit by Rotarians and Partners to the Erme Valley Riding for the Disabled Ltd

The Erme Valley Riding for the Disabled Ltd is one of the President's charities for this and last year. Members visited the stables on 19th February 2018 to see how the monies raised are being spent.

The centre is run by Peggy Douglas MBE as a charity with her team of volunteers many of whom have disabilities of their own. They all have a great enthusiasm for their work and were delighted to be able to show us around

The centre has been running now for 35 years and is grateful for any donations towards running costs and also for more volunteers to come forward.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

End Polio Now Certificate presentation by District Governor upon club visit for funds raised in 2022/23

Presentation of £1600 to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust

President John with Lottie Clark following presentation to Devon Air Ambulance Trust

Rtn David Grose Receives PHF

IPDG William Wills presents PHF to IPP David Grose


President Alan Induction


President's Welcome
