Then & Now

Report by Rtn. Peter Ripley on the club form its formation in1951

THEN & NOW...........Researched by Rtn. Peter Ripley

Above - Members - 1951

Researched & written by – Ryn. Peter Ripley – June 2011

 The formation of the club was first considered over lunch on 28th. November 1950 by Rotarian Booker (The District Extension Officer), Rotarian Perry Morgan and 3 prospective Bodmin Rotarians - Norman Frith, Alan Harvey and Ron Buckler, at Richard and Dyer's Cafe in Bodmin town centre.

 Weekly luncheon meetings began at that venue from 28th.December 1950 and the club became an "Interim Rotary Club" at its Inaugural Lunch Meeting in the Public Rooms, Mount Folly, Bodmin on Thursday 17th.May 1950 when the ticket price was 5 Shillings (25p.), Fred Zimber was appointed interim President and Alan Harvey interim Secretary, and the annual subscription was fixed at £3.15. Some time in 1952 meetings moved to The Royal Hotel Bodmin, to accommodate the increased membership.

 The formation was completed at the Charter Presentation Dinner at The Foster Hall Bodmin in October  1951.

Those seated in the front row of the photograph from that dinner were from the left,  Wallis Simons - head postmaster, Thomas Greenwood - first Vice-President, Gas Service, possibly the District Treasurer wearing a neck collarette, Fred Zimber - President, jeweller, possibly the District Governor wearing a neck collarette and next to him Edward (Owie) Jewell -Radio and TV Shop proprietor, Fore Street, Bodmin and father of our existing member Peter Jewell, who was presented with an MBE by the Queen, two weeks ago. Others in the photograph who can be identified are extreme back row from the left Hal Calvert - pharmacist, Phil Polkinghorne - Garage Proprietor, Hubert Dingle - Dentist, second Vice-President, Ken Jones - Grocer, next but one Fred Shellen a visitor or prospective member, next to him Sydney (Joe) Lewis - Off Licence Proprietor, three along from him - Alan Abbott - Vet, then in the middle row, immediately above those seated, Bunny Warren - SWEB who became a member later, Harold Burton - Tobbacconist, Tom Hicks - Electricity Services, Dicky Dawe - Shoemaker, Mark Goodfellow - Household Furniture Sales, three along from him Reg Jago - Optician, Charlie Dean - Reporter for The Cornish Guardian, and Alan Harvey - first Secretary, Solicitor. Other founder members in the photograph not identified are Stanley Atkinson - Animal Feed Manufacturer, Norman Frith - Accountant, Fred Hills - Stone Quarrying, Hugo Brown - Carpet Cleaning, Captain Maurice Greenop - Petrol/Oil Executive, Gerald Hamley - Building Supplies, Arthur Morgan - Draper, Cecil Walker - District Probate Registrar, Ron Buckler - Bank manager, and Shura Rhaun who became a member later - P.A./Secretary to Prince Chula. 

 The price of the Charter Night meal was 62.5p and wine was sold by the glass at 20p. 

 The cost of a ticket to the First President's Night Dinner Dance for members and their ladies at the Carlyon Bay Hotel on Wednesday 27th. February 1952 was 75p and the menu (in French) was Samon Fume, Creme Isoline, Filets de Sole Conde, Poulet Roti Sauce Pain, Choux Fleurs Sauce Creme, Pommes Croquettes, Coupe Frou Frou, Croutes de Fromage a l'Anglaise and Cafe.

 At our 59th. President's Night Dinner Dance on Saturday 19th. March 2011 at The Lanhydrock Hotel and Golf Club the menu was written in English, the ticket price was £30 and thirty-four Current Members and two Honorary Members were listed on the back of the menu card.


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