Oct 10th - From Malcolm Wicks
A different meeting this time as neither the President or the President-elect was able to attend, and Morris Poole proved an excellent stand-in.
We were visited by three Rotarians from Ilfracombe, including their President, the charming Pam Cox, and one from Burnham Beeches via Ilfracombe. The duty person (yours truly) gave Robert Burns’ other grace, and provided the prize for the raffle, won ultimately by the Ilfracombe President after careful manipulation by Morris (to sidestep the predicament of a Poole having won yet again!).
Brian Sims gave us his entertaining account of his recent trip to Poland, with illustrations of countless birds seen, several of which are not usually native to this country. The meeting closed after the usual toasts to the King and Rotary and peace the world over.
back The Opportunity to help those in need with fundraising or with the time and experience of our members is important to the whole club. Our motto is "service before self"
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