Project - Bikes4Africa

Bikes for Refurbishment - Loughan Open Prison

Many African children live in remote communities, a long way from their nearest   school. Without reliable, affordable, motorised transport the only way theycan get to school is to walk.In searing heat, their journey to education on foot is a daily epic mission.

Bikes4Africa is a tangible and engaging project of the Rotary Club of Newtownabbey targeting poverty, education and gender equality. The club collects used bikes (in reasonable condition) from the general public and the Borough Centres at Bruslee and O'Neil Road for transport to Loughan Open Prison in Cavan where the inmates engage in the refurbishing work for the eventual transfer to UK mainland for onward transport by Bikes4Africa to schools in Gambia.  

Every bike delivered to Africa gets a child to school, on time, fresh and alert, instead of late and exhausted from a long walk. The project impacts positively upon academic achievement, employment and local economies.

The club appreciates the support of the general public and welcomes in particular any fiancial contributions towards the expenses involved in the transporting process.

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12,000 Crocus Corms are planted by the Ballynure Residents. The young, the very young and the young at heart all turned out to ensure Ballynure will turn 'Purple' !

Ending Polio is Foundation's Top Priority


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