The Club Team 2023-2024

President (1st Jul 2024 - 1st Jan 1970)

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

President (6th Nov 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian


 John Maslen  PHF  
Rtn. John Maslen

Treasurer (6th Nov 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Andrew Crofts   
Rtn. Andrew Crofts

Immediate Past President

 Chris Cherry   
Rtn. Chris Cherry

President Elect

 Dave Story  PHF  
Rtn. Dave Story


 Graham Peake  MPHF  
Rtn. Graham Peake


 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

Rotary Foundation (6th Nov 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

Membership (6th Nov 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Chris Wellings  PHF  
Rtn. Chris Wellings

Youth Service

 Chris Cherry   
Rtn. Chris Cherry


 Graham Peake  MPHF  
Rtn. Graham Peake


 John Maslen  PHF  
Rtn. John Maslen

Assistant Secretary

 Andrew Pinch  PHF  
Rtn. Andrew Pinch

Assistant Treasurer

 Chris Cherry   
Rtn. Chris Cherry


 Mike Crumpton  PHF  
Rtn. Mike Crumpton

Public Relations

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian


 Mike Crumpton  PHF  
Rtn. Mike Crumpton

Health and Safety

 Ian Whittle  PHF  
Rtn. Ian Whittle

Club Service

 Graham Peake  MPHF  
Rtn. Graham Peake


 Ros Atack   
Rtn. Ros Atack

Primary Webmaster

 Mike Crumpton  PHF  
Rtn. Mike Crumpton

District Council Rep.

 Chris Cherry   
Rtn. Chris Cherry

District Council Rep.

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

Membership and Community

 Chris Wellings  PHF  
Rtn. Chris Wellings

International and Foundation

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

Equality & Diversity

 Ian Whittle  PHF  
Rtn. Ian Whittle

Executive Secretary (6th Nov 2023 - 30th Jun 2024)

 Mike Crumpton  PHF  
Rtn. Mike Crumpton

Council Rep 1

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

Sport (Boules)

 John Grove  PHF  
Rtn. John Grove

Club Data Protection

 Mike Crumpton  PHF  
Rtn. Mike Crumpton

Voting Delegate 1

 Dave Story  PHF  
Rtn. Dave Story

Voting Delegate 2

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian

Members Representative

 Chris Cherry   
Rtn. Chris Cherry

Friends of Rotary Coordinator

 Neil Grecian   
Rtn. Neil Grecian