The Club Team 2022-2023


 Tony Webb   
Rtn. Tony Webb


 Rod Stokes  MPHF  
Rtn. Rod Stokes


 John Meadows  MPHF  
Rtn. John Meadows

Immediate Past President

 Tony Webb   
Rtn. Tony Webb

President Elect

 Geoff Parsons M.B.E.  PHF  
Rtn. Geoff Parsons M.B.E.

Public Image

 James Sutton   
Rtn. James Sutton


 Tony Hoy  PHF  
Rtn. Tony Hoy


 John Crowe  PHF  
Rtn. John Crowe

Rotary Foundation

 Tony Hoy  PHF  
Rtn. Tony Hoy

Membership (11th Oct 2022 - 30th Jun 2023)

 James Sutton   
Rtn. James Sutton

Youth Service

 Ashley Weaver  MPHF  
Rtn. Ashley Weaver

Assistant Secretary

 Ian McAlpine   
Rtn. Ian McAlpine

Club Service

 Geoff Parsons M.B.E.  PHF  
Rtn. Geoff Parsons M.B.E.


 Tony Hoy  PHF  
Rtn. Tony Hoy

District Council Rep.

 Tony Webb   
Rtn. Tony Webb

Club Treasurer

 John Meadows  MPHF  
Rtn. John Meadows

Executive Secretary

 Ian McAlpine   
Rtn. Ian McAlpine

Float Coordinator

 Tony Hoy  PHF  
Rtn. Tony Hoy

Family of Rotary

 Geoff Parsons M.B.E.  PHF  
Rtn. Geoff Parsons M.B.E.

Meeting Coordinator

 Michael Parrott  PHF  
Rtn. Michael Parrott