About us

About Thatcham and District Rotary

We support Local, National, and International charities, by involving ourselves in fundraising projects, and other not-for-profit organisations whilst having fun and making new friends. 

The purpose of our website is to introduce ourselves as to who we are, what we do, and provide information on our forthcoming events.

We hope you find it informative and will encourage you to support our various events.

If you like what you see, and what we do, (view our Flyer) you may be interested in helping, or even joining us? If so and would like more information, please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

Car Show 2024.

What a wonderful day it was. The day started a bit dull and damp but that did not deter both vehicle owners or visitors to turn up in high numbers

We had a vast variety of vehicles: - cars some vintage, and some not so old but enthusiastically modified. There were motorcycles and trikes, and a number of larger exhibits. Don't take our word for it take a look at the album of the day. (Album)

A big thank you to all that exhibited and those that came to view. Hope to see you next year, or sooner if you come to the Duck Race in September!

Last but not least: -

Golf GTi - Best of Show Winner: - Judged as best preserved vehicle. Owned from new, nothing added, nothing replaced, and in emaculate condition.


Quiz Night Fri 14th Jun

Our quiz night held at Hermitage Village Hall was an enjoyable event and a great success. Many thanks to all the teams that supported the night which was in aid of the charity Time to Talk (West Berks)  click link to learn about the good work they do. Amount raised was about £900.

        Did you notice (sadly now gone) the Purple Crocuses around Thatcham - 


                                                                        Find out more 

Fund Raising Update

Our fund raising events have meant as at Dec we have been able to make donations of nearly £7000 since the beginning of the Rotary Year (July) with more to come.

So a big THANK YOU to all our supporters  - Club President Maurice.

It Was Wet But Not Miserable - 

Inspite of the weather it was another great family event.

A big thank you also go to Kennet Radio for entertaining us at the start and finish of the run and to Waitrose for supplying water bottles.

Not finished counting yet but we believe we raised over £1,800, the main beneficary being the Charity Eight Bells.

The first two back - Its a fun run not a race but the serious runners like to test themselves, because of the conditions we are told it was about 2 minutes slower!!

We took lots of photos which are available via this link , the weather was not good so some photos are better than others!!

And there's more! Thatcham Photographic Club were also at the Santa Run and they have taken a number of photographs of the event and you can find them on their website gallery or on their facebook page

Youth Speaks 2023-24

Youth Speaks is a debating competition with teams of three consisting of a chairman, a  speaker in favour of a selected topic, and a speaker against. Each team has a set time to make their presentations and points are awarded for delivery and content with deductions made for running over or under the allotted time. 

This years local round recently took place at the Arlington Arts Centre and included teams from Mary Hare, Kennet, Trinity, and Downe House Schools. There are two competions, Intermediate age section and Seniors. The winners of this round of the competition were Trinity for the Intermediate section and Downe House for the Seniors. The judges agreed the standard this year was exceptionally high. Well done all the Teams. The winning teams will go on to compete in the next round which is the District final, and we wish them the very best of luck.

Our thanks go to Horsey Lightly Newbury Solicitors for sponsoring the event, and of course the judges, Di Wilkinson, Katie Wilson, and Rachel White, for giving up their time. 

Trinity and Downe House Winning Teams:-


The Judges:-

Recent Presentation - Coaches and Coachhorns

At many of our meetings we receive a talk or presentation on a range of interesting topics, a report is not normally made on our website but believe a recent presentation is worthy of sharing.

The presentation is on the history from the golden age of coaching to present day activities and displays. Colin Pawson, the presenter, gave a fascinating account of the development of coaches, the golden era of "stage coaching", and the links with Newbury. It is an illustrated talk and concludes with a demonstation of traditional coachhorn calls and tunes with an explanation of their purpose. More information is available from www.thetootler.com 

Sept 2023 Thatcham Duck Race visit our Duck Race event page for details and photos of this years event. What a great day, a big thank you to all that supported this our event.

An Evening with Cor Meibon Morlais Male Voice Choir

We were guaranteed an evening of entertaining music and we were not disappointed. The choir presented a wide selection of music including the Roman War Song by Wagner , Wellerman, a traditional sea shanty, and I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables.

During the interval we were treated to a wonderful performance by classical guitarist Gary Jordan.


Thatcham and District Rotarian Maurice Franks, addressing the audience in the picture above, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the members of the Choir and to Gary who freely gave up their time to support this fund raising event. 

We would also like to thank Brockhurst & Marlstone House School for providing the venue, Renegade Brewery at Yatterdon for donating the "beverages" for the choir and Melissa Jones at the Pop Up Kitchen for providing the food for the choir.

A big thank you to all who supported the event and to those that came on the night and we hope you had an enjoyable evening. With your support we raised over £2800.

Rob Tayton: - Lifetime Community Award

we do not often feature individual Rotarians on our website as we work very much as a team, but we are proud that one of our members has been recognised by Thatcham Town Council by being awarded a Lifetime Community Award for all his work with the West Berks Community Hospital, particularly his involvement as Secretary to the Rosemary Appeal which raised over £5m. Congratulations Rob, well deserved.                   

HELP WANTED - If you like what we do, we are always looking for help, perhaps you would like to assist as a Friend of Rotary (or even join us), if you are interested and would like more information, please use the contact link at the bottom of the page. 

  A Magazine is produced every 2 months. 

Click on image to access content and view all the previous editions.

Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Wednesdays at

(Lunch times 1st/3rd Weds of Month and Twilight 2nd/4th Weds, & Evening with partners if there is a 5th Weds. IMPORTANT Currently not all meetings are held at The West Grange Hotel. Contact Secretary for details.) Cox Lane
Bath Road
RG7 5UP  01635 273074
W3W:  ///submerged.rainbow.crisis

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values