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Featured pages

June 2023 Football Tournament

June 2023 Football Tournament

We arranged a Primary Schools Football Tournament at Firhill Park, Glasgow

2023-24 President David Brown

2023-24 President David Brown

David Brown has taken over as our Club President for 2023-24

Planting Crocus Corms for Polio Plus

Planting Crocus Corms for Polio Plus

We planted 3,000 crocus corms at Hillhead Primary School

Deacon Claire Herbert of Lodging House Mission appointed a Paul Harris Fellow

Deacon Claire Herbert of Lodging House Mission appointed a Paul Harris Fellow

When Claire Herbert attended our Christmas Dinner, she was surprised not only to be given a cheque for £1,000 for her Mission, but to be appointed a Paul Harris Fellow!



We have donated over £11,000 to WaterAid.



We are working with Coordinator Grant Allison (above) and the Glasgow Active Schools programme to help the most disadvantaged children in primary schools to participate in professionally supervised physical activities.


About us

Please note that we have 'in person' lunchtime meetings the first two Thursdays only of each month.  Occassionally that may vary, details of which will be posted on our Weekly Meetings page. For our full monthly schedule see below:

1st & 2nd Thursdays of each month: ln person for lunch at 12.15 for a 12.30 start, all Rotarians and their Friends welcome.       Venue usually La Bonne Auberge, but may vary - see what's 'Happening Soon' opposite.
3rd Thursday of each month: Business Zoom meeting (members only) by Zoom at 12.15 for a 12.30 start.
4th  (& 5th if there is one) Thursday of each month: Evening Zoom Meeting (all welcome) by Zoom at 6.45 for a 7.00 start.

NOTE: We may occasionally change the above routine. Check our 'Weekly Meetings' page for exact details.

 If you would like to join us - you would be most welcome - please send an email to for a link to the Zoom meetings, or simply to notify us if you wish to attend an in-person lunch. 


Meetings & Venue

Where and when:

We meet on Thursdays at Various times - see elsewhere

(1st & 2nd Thursdays of each month: ln person for lunch. 3rd Thursday of each month: Lunchtime Business Zoom. 4th ( and 5th) Thursday of each month: Evening Club Zoom ) When in person, we meet in
Glasgow, City Centre

Rotary News

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Rotary serving communities through supporting foodbanks

Diversity is part of Rotary’s core values