Basingstoke Deane Rotary Photo Galleries

Belgian Exchange

Belgian Exchange

Every year we run an exchange with a Rotary Club in our Twin Town of Braine L'Alleud where we stay in each other's houses, visit places of interest and generally have a wonderful time. This year we were in Basingstoke!

Rotary in Basingstoke

Rotary in Basingstoke

A page to celebrate the three Rotary Clubs in Basingstoke and a landing page for potential new members

Respiratory Equipment Campaign

Respiratory Equipment Campaign

A fund-raising initiative between us and the Hampshire Hospitals Charity to fund essential Respiratory Equipment for Basingstoke & Noth Hants Hospital - See details for Just Giving page

Basingstoke Festival of Transport

Basingstoke Festival of Transport

Sunday 11th May 2025 - Always a great day out for all the family, whether you're a keen motor buff or you just want an interesting and enjoyable Sunday. Bookings for exhibitors now open

Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance

Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance

Following our recent donation, we were invited to the Air Ambulance base at Thruxton

Friends of Rotary

Friends of Rotary

Do you love volunteering and making a difference in your community ?

Royal Marine concert at the Anvil

Royal Marine concert at the Anvil

26th January 2020 at 15:00

Annual Rotary Boxing Event - Friday 18th October - England vs Germany

Annual Rotary Boxing Event - Friday 18th October - England vs Germany

Fabulous International Boxing Match and black-tie dinner at Hampshire Court Hotel, Basingstoke. Why not get your work colleagues together and get a table? Get in touch for tickets - selling fast 2019 - England vs Germany

St Michael's Hospice Big Wheel

St Michael's Hospice Big Wheel

Helping out with the Big Wheel

Dinner +  Club Business Meeting

Dinner + Club Business Meeting

Focus will be finalising all plans for the Boxing on March 9th. Club Host : Paul Temple

Sitting with Jane

Sitting with Jane

Explaining why Basingstoke Deane Rotary Club is pleased to be one of the Bookbench sponsors, President Alan Gibson said:

Anvil Concert

Anvil Concert

The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines in Concert

Rotary Young Musician Competition

Rotary Young Musician Competition

An amazingly talented group of musicians aged from 9 upwards took part in the annual Rotary Young Musician competition at Queen Mary's College on Friday.

Rotary Climb The O2 as we celebrate Rotary's 111th Birthday

Rotary Climb The O2 as we celebrate Rotary's 111th Birthday

To celebrate Rotary"™s 111th Birthday, Our club O2 Climb Team of 9 members joined other Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends from around the country to walk across the 02 Dome and raised over £1500 in the process.

Club Treasure Hunt 2016

Club Treasure Hunt 2016

Annual Club Treasure Hunt Organised by Rtn's Bob & Alf. Great success, brilliant weather "“ in Arlesford. Thanks to Team Bob & Alf & wives for organising. Congrats to Team Pickering for winning. The Courts organising next years!

Shoebox Packing

Shoebox Packing

Club Meeting - Charities Night

Club Meeting - Charities Night

The Picture above show Basingstoke Deane Rotary Club President Paul Temple with fellow Rotarians and some of the guests at the club"™s Charities Night.

The Great CarFest South Raffle

The Great CarFest South Raffle

Car Fest South - BBC Children in Need Radio 2 - The Great CarFest Raffle - Thank You

Club Meeting - Speaker: Lyndy Richardson (RYLA) Colin Hall Life Inspirations

Club Meeting - Speaker: Lyndy Richardson (RYLA) Colin Hall Life Inspirations

Club Host: Brian Whindle - Speakers Host: Graham Bone

Club Meeting - Speaker: President Paul Temple

Club Meeting - Speaker: President Paul Temple

Club Host: Bob Evans - Speakers Host: Bob Lentell

Club Night

Club Night

Club Host: Alf McCarthy Meeting chaired by: Alan Gibson

7pm for 7:30pm Dinner - Speaker - Graham Bone “Foundation and District in action in India”

7pm for 7:30pm Dinner - Speaker - Graham Bone “Foundation and District in action in India”

Club Host: Paul Temple - Speakers Host: Brian Greenaway

7pm for 7:30pm Dinner - Club Evening 'Victorian Parlour Frivolities – Chairman Kevin Vickers

7pm for 7:30pm Dinner - Club Evening 'Victorian Parlour Frivolities – Chairman Kevin Vickers

A simple club evening with members entertaining themselves!

Changemaker Award

Changemaker Award

Changemaker Award presentation - Bangkok

Hand-Over meeting 28th June 2011

Hand-Over meeting 28th June 2011

New President for BDRC

Rotary District 1110 Young Musicians Festival

Rotary District 1110 Young Musicians Festival

District Young Musicians Festival held at The Beacon Arts Centre, The Henry Beaufort School, Winchester 27/03/2011
