Basingstoke Deane Rotary Photo Galleries

Belgian Exchange
Every year we run an exchange with a Rotary Club in our Twin Town of Braine L'Alleud where we stay in each other's houses, visit places of interest and generally have a wonderful time. This year we were in Basingstoke!
Rotary in Basingstoke
A page to celebrate the three Rotary Clubs in Basingstoke and a landing page for potential new members
Respiratory Equipment Campaign
A fund-raising initiative between us and the Hampshire Hospitals Charity to fund essential Respiratory Equipment for Basingstoke & Noth Hants Hospital - See details for Just Giving page
Basingstoke Festival of Transport
Sunday 11th May 2025 - Always a great day out for all the family, whether you're a keen motor buff or you just want an interesting and enjoyable Sunday. Bookings for exhibitors now open
Hampshire & IOW Air Ambulance
Following our recent donation, we were invited to the Air Ambulance base at Thruxton
Annual Rotary Boxing Event - Friday 18th October - England vs Germany
Fabulous International Boxing Match and black-tie dinner at Hampshire Court Hotel, Basingstoke. Why not get your work colleagues together and get a table? Get in touch for tickets - selling fast 2019 - England vs Germany
Dinner + Club Business Meeting
Focus will be finalising all plans for the Boxing on March 9th. Club Host : Paul Temple
Sitting with Jane
Explaining why Basingstoke Deane Rotary Club is pleased to be one of the Bookbench sponsors, President Alan Gibson said:
Rotary Young Musician Competition
An amazingly talented group of musicians aged from 9 upwards took part in the annual Rotary Young Musician competition at Queen Mary's College on Friday.
Rotary Climb The O2 as we celebrate Rotary's 111th Birthday
To celebrate Rotary"™s 111th Birthday, Our club O2 Climb Team of 9 members joined other Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends from around the country to walk across the 02 Dome and raised over £1500 in the process.
Club Treasure Hunt 2016
Annual Club Treasure Hunt Organised by Rtn's Bob & Alf. Great success, brilliant weather "“ in Arlesford. Thanks to Team Bob & Alf & wives for organising. Congrats to Team Pickering for winning. The Courts organising next years!
Shoebox Packing
Club Meeting - Charities Night
The Picture above show Basingstoke Deane Rotary Club President Paul Temple with fellow Rotarians and some of the guests at the club"™s Charities Night.
The Great CarFest South Raffle
Car Fest South - BBC Children in Need Radio 2 - The Great CarFest Raffle - Thank You
Club Meeting - Speaker: Lyndy Richardson (RYLA) Colin Hall Life Inspirations
Club Host: Brian Whindle - Speakers Host: Graham Bone
Club Meeting - Speaker: President Paul Temple
Club Host: Bob Evans - Speakers Host: Bob Lentell
7pm for 7:30pm Dinner - Speaker - Graham Bone “Foundation and District in action in India”
Club Host: Paul Temple - Speakers Host: Brian Greenaway
7pm for 7:30pm Dinner - Club Evening 'Victorian Parlour Frivolities – Chairman Kevin Vickers
A simple club evening with members entertaining themselves!
Rotary District 1110 Young Musicians Festival
District Young Musicians Festival held at The Beacon Arts Centre, The Henry Beaufort School, Winchester 27/03/2011