Rotary Bridgwater Photo Galleries

Social meeting 15th July 2024

Social meeting 15th July 2024

At our social meeting on the 15th of July Emily from the Youth Adventure Trust gave us a very interesting talk on the work of the Trust. President Jennie then presented a cheque as donation towards the excellent work of the Youth Adventure Trust.

30th June 2024 Presidents Lunch

30th June 2024 Presidents Lunch

A lovely afternoon at the Victoria Hotel Sidmouth for the presidents lunch and handover. Thank you to Steve for great year and looking forward to Jennie’s year as our new president.

17th June 2024 St Francis warm space group

17th June 2024 St Francis warm space group

Wonderful day out for the St Francis warm space group , nice weather and lovely cream teas for all , the event was sponsored by a very kind donation from Salzgitter - Wolfenbuttel German Rotary Club .

90th Anniversary

90th Anniversary

Bridgwater 90th Anniversary of our charter celebrated at the Canalside Marsh Lane with fabulous meal and dancing the night away to Mission Blue.

10th May 2024 Twin Club from Germany

10th May 2024 Twin Club from Germany

We have our twin club from Germany staying this weekend. They brought the sun with them! Today we went to Bath, and had a wonderful time. Tomorrow we celebrate 90 years since our club was chartered.

Introduction night

Introduction night

Welcome to our new member Lynne to Bridgwater Rotary and an interdiction evening to what Rotary does for local organisations and presentation of cheque.

Partnership with Rotary Club of Salzgitter Wolfenbuttel

Partnership with Rotary Club of Salzgitter Wolfenbuttel

our friendship with Rotarians and their families from Lower Saxony is over 40 years old and still going strong.
