Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Thu 9th May 2024 - Fri 10th May 2024 Weekly Meeting and meal at QCR

Sandy Campbell, founder of the Leith youth employment charity, WorkingRight who help around 300 young people prepare for and find work. Particularly those who may have been rejected by the system and are at risk of "falling through the cracks".

Thu 29th February 2024 Club Meeting - Fellowship + Meal

Tonight will be a Fellowship meeting come along and enjoy our company and hear what is going in Leith Rotary!

Thu 22nd February 2024 Club Meeting - Speaker Nick Burges + Meal

Our speaker is Nick Burge, Headteacher at Trinity Academy, one of our local secondary schools, whose presentation will cover the recent outdoor and sports centre at Bangholm and the refurbishment of the listed Victorian red sandstone school building.

Thu 15th February 2024 Club Meeting - Business + Meal

Tonight we will hold our regular Business Meeting, where our various Committees present their activities and plans for the future so that the Club members can discuss, agree and get involved

Thu 8th February 2024 Club Meeting + Speaker + Meal

Come and hear from our Local Leith Councillor, Katrina Faccenda, who will be updating us on local issues and items of interest.

Thu 1st February 2024 Club Meeting + Speakers + Meal

Tonight we will be treated to stories from two of the International Scholars, funded by Rotary. There will be Rian Matsui from Japan and Miranda Leggat from USA!

Thu 25th January 2024 Burns Supper

Tonight will be a Burns Supper format with both Club and external speakers remembering our National Bard. Come along and enjoy.

Thu 18th January 2024 Club Meeting + Fellowship + Meal

Tonight will be a Fellowship meeting come along and enjoy our company and hear what is going in Leith Rotary!

Thu 11th January 2024 Club Meeting - Speaker + Meal

Speaker tonight is Gino Abdul-Jabbar introducing us to Granton Castle walled Garden

Thu 10th August 2023 Fellowship

A member will give a 5 minute talk on their "good times" in Rotary.

Thu 3rd August 2023 Edinburgh NE Foodbank

Alison Roxburgh will give us an insight into the activities and insights of the Foodbank

Thu 27th July 2023 Club Business Meeting

Members will discuss and agree suggested activities and events suggested in Committees reports

Thu 20th July 2023 Scatter Week

NO MEETING, Members will be visiting other Edinburgh City Clubs