Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Mon 24th June 2024 Handover meeting

President Ian Dickson hands over to President Steve Elliot and his team (at the Royal Mackintosh Hotel)

Mon 17th June 2024 Kalimpong

Robin Hamilton updates the meeting on the work being done at Kalimpong in N E India

Mon 10th June 2024 Aquabox

John Brown visits to update the meeting on the work of Aquabox.

Sat 8th June 2024 Anniversary Garden Party

60th Anniversary Garden Party for members and guests at the home of President Ian & Louise Dickson, with DG Narek Bido and Charlie Boax, Rotary UK Musician of the Year 2023

Mon 3rd June 2024 Club Assembly

Next year's President and team leaders summarise their hopes and plans for 2024/25

Mon 27th May 2024 A personal story

Dunbar's oldest Rotarian, Judy Greenwood, gives a fascinating brief account of her career, and finishes with a short fun quiz on weather forecast areas.

Mon 20th May 2024 Chris and Thato

President Ian showed extracts from inspiring addresses, enjoyed by him at the 2019 Hamburg Rotary Convention, by Chris Wells, a Rotaractor, and Thato Kgatlhanye, who turns plastic waste into incredible backpacks to encourage education.

Wed 15th May 2024 Bridge Evening

An annual friendly - and no doubt competitive - evening of bridge in aid of Dunbar Rotary charity funds.

Mon 13th May 2024 Nails and other artefacts

President Ian showed a number of ancient artefacts, including a 6th c. BC Corinthian aryballos, and Roman nails buried by the soldiers at Inchtuthill in c.85 AD when the Romans changed their mind about keeping a major military presence oin Scotland.

Mon 6th May 2024 Dunbar history moments

Gordon Easingwood, of Dunbar & District History Society, presents some of his favourite topics.

Mon 29th April 2024 AGM

some annual business + monthly business reports and planning

Mon 22nd April 2024 Belhaven Hill School

Head teacher Olly Langton talks of the present and the future at Belhaven Hill.

Mon 15th April 2024 Children's Hospices Across Scotland

Sarah Dannfald updates members on the work of CHAS, supported in 2021 by a Rotary walk along the John Muir Way from East Linto to Dunbar.

Sat 13th April 2024 Charity Ceilidh

The Alex Hodgson Band will set feet tapping and dancers birling at a ceilidh in support of community work done by Dunbar Rotary Club. Tickets £11 bookable in advance.

Mon 8th April 2024 Community Salver presentation

This week, the Club awards the Community Salver to the Dunbar Table Tennis begun by Neil Patterson in 2017 and now involving over 100 participants from primary school age to octogenarians

Mon 25th March 2024 Business meeting

business meeting

Mon 18th March 2024 The Annapurna Circuit

Steve Nuttall, with two artificial knees, tells the meeting about walking the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal last November.

Sat 16th March 2024 Diamond Charter Dinner

Members and invited guests gather to celebrate 60 years of the Rotary Club of Dunbar (6.30 for 7.00 at Dunbar Golf Club).

Mon 11th March 2024 Arctic Trek experiences

Rebecca Miller tells the meeting about her Arctic Trek to raise funds for the Wish Upon a Star charity.

Sat 9th March 2024 Charity Quiz Night

Derek Griffiths, quizmaster, challenges teams in Dunbar Bowling Club in aid of the charity funds of Dunbar Rotary Club. Teams of 4 or 5. £5 p.person. Please reserve your team table in advance.

Mon 4th March 2024 Visit by Global Scholar

Rian Matsui is from Yokohama, Japan. She is studying Comparative Education and International Development with particular reference to refugee groups, at Edinburgh University (Moray House).

Mon 26th February 2024 Business

monthly business meeting, including a Foundation update from Wendy and separate meetings of the five teams.

Mon 19th February 2024 Tonic Arts and Round Table Projects

Arabella Harvey, Project Curator, Tonic Arts and Round Table Projects, will speak about the Arts Strategy at East Lothian Community Hospital and how local artists were involved in bringing all aspects of East Lothian life into the building.

Mon 12th February 2024 The Trefoil Guild

Fiona Waddell tells us about the Trefoil Guild. She is a retired teacher and latterly a Primary School head teacher.

Mon 5th February 2024 Scottish Night

Members and friends enjoy a Scottish night with a taste of Burns but also other Scottish poetry, song and humour

Mon 29th January 2024 Business Meeting

Monthly business meeting

Mon 22nd January 2024 Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Eilidh Ward, an Advanced Nutse Practitioner at the Cromwell Harbour practice, describes the role of an ANP and her career to date.

Mon 15th January 2024 Treasurer Brian reminisces

Treasurer Brian Dale recounts a background in music and song

Mon 8th January 2024 Club Night

Members start the New Year with a good discussion on plans for the coming months.

Mon 18th December 2023 Christmas Party

Members, partners and guests gather in the Royal Mackintosh Dining Room for Christmas meal, presents and an address by member Jim Watson.

Mon 11th December 2023 Petra

President Ian Dickson brigntens the dark winter with an in-depth and well-illustrated talk on the rose-red city of Petra

Mon 4th December 2023 Cycling across Europe

Andy Girvan recounts his experiences on an 89-trip by bike across Europe from Portugal to Athens - a retirement jaunt!

Mon 27th November 2023 the monthly business evening

This month's business meeting not only covers current activities but starts to look ahead at the 2024-25 Rotary year

Mon 20th November 2023 A visit to Barra

A quite different trip to Barra is described - involving young and old of Dunbar's local community.

Mon 13th November 2023 RAGES

The Rail Action Group East of Scotland campaigns for good rail services at Dunbar and many other stations.

Mon 6th November 2023 Challenge Enterprise

Findlay Berg tells of his experiences on the Challenge Enterprise week.

Mon 18th September 2023 Skills development

Sanchana Senanayake enlists the help of members in her vocational journey.

Mon 11th September 2023 Malawi 2023 - "quite an experience"

Alison Elliott describes her 12 days visiting almost all parts of Malawi.

Mon 4th September 2023 RYLA report

The two young people who attended the Rotary Young Leaders Awards course this summer - Ian Curtis and Naomi Mells - describe their character-building experiences!

Mon 28th August 2023 Business meeting

Monthly business meeting - open to those who assist any Rotary projects, so that they can share in the planning as well as in successful outcomes.

Mon 21st August 2023 Foodshare Dunbar

Margaret Croft updates the meeting on the work of Foodshare Dunbar

Mon 14th August 2023 Dunbar Debt Advisory Service

Pam Shields and Christine Bailey tell the meeting about the work of the Debt Advisory Service in Dunbar. Contact them at

Mon 7th August 2023 Social evening

Meeting socially at a member's home for fish 'n' chips, chat and possibly a fun game.

Mon 31st July 2023 No meeting this week

Being the fifth week of the month, no meeting this week - leaving members time to 'scatter' to some other Rotary club if they wish.

Mon 24th July 2023 Business meeting

Business meeting, looking at activities in the year ahead

Mon 17th July 2023 Quiz Evening

President-Elect Steve presents a quiz to stir the brain cells.

Mon 10th July 2023 Eric 'Winkle' Brown

George Robertson, a retired pilot, gave a fascinating talk on the exploits of this WWII fighter ace and his later career as a test pilot, mentioning the statue at Edinburgh Airport funded by the University Air Squadron.

Mon 3rd July 2023 club discussions

Discussion on 2023-24 projects
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