Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Wed 26th June 2024 President Handover - 26th June

President Steve will perform one of his last duties as President and hand over the reigns to incoming President Stuart Cavanagh who in turn will cascade the SVP and JVP roles respectively.This will be BBQ at The Cherry Tree - £15 - numbers to Stuart

Wed 26th June 2024 2024-25 Handover - 26th June 2024

A fun BBQ at The Cherry Tree for handover - Outgoing President Steve handing over the reins to Incoming President Stuart. This is Stuart's 3rd time as President. Senior Vice President was handed over to Rtn Geoff.

Wed 19th June 2024 Business meeting - 19th June

Committee chairs will update members on the latest Club business

Wed 12th June 2024 Club Assembly - 12th June

SVP Stuart will host the District AG, John Beer (Ely Hereward) and share with members his proposed plan for the forthcoming Rotary Year - Stuart's 2024-25 committee chairs will also share their plans for the year ahead.

Wed 5th June 2024 Open Evening - 5th June

The Club is holding an Open evening to share with invited guests a bit more information about what Rotary is all about. Refreshments will be provided


A very interesting and informative visit - many thanks to Emma and all the MAGPAS staff for sharing their new facilities and how it all works with us - We're proud to support

Wed 29th May 2024 Incoming Club Council - SVP Stuart - 29th May

Stuart will lead this planning session for his forthcoming year along with his newly appointed team. This will form the basis for the forthcoming Club Assembly.

Wed 22nd May 2024 Fellowship Meeting - 22nd May

Due to the cancelled District Quiz - we will revert to a Fellowship meeting - We look forward to welcoming members of Littleport Rotary Club who are scattering to us.

Sat 18th May 2024 RACE NIGHT - Saturday 18th May

The Club is holding a Race Night at Soham Town Football Club to help raise funds for our Foundation charity - Guest are more than welcome. Race sponsor £25 ; Horse sponsor £5 - Come along and share in the fun !

Wed 15th May 2024 Business Meeting - 15th May

The Club will be holding it's regular monthly business meeting - committee chair input as usual please.

Wed 8th May 2024 49th Charter Night - 8th May

Soham Rotary Club will be celebrating it's 49th Charter at Soham Town Rangers Football Club - our speaker will be local Fire Officer, Simon Thompson.

Wed 1st May 2024 Fellowship Meeting - 1st May

Tonight will be a Fellowship meeting - details to be confirmed

Wed 24th April 2024 St George's Day Evening - 24th April

The Club will be recognising St George's Day this evening - details of the event will follow

Wed 17th April 2024 Business Meeting - 17th April

Please NOTE - this change of date from the Staploe News.
We will be holding our regular business meeting - committee chairs please have your input ready

Wed 10th April 2024 SCATTER WEEK - No Meeting - 10th April

Please NOTE - the change to the dates from Staploe News
There will be an opportunity for members to scatter to alternative Rotary clubs or events during this week - there will be NO meeting at The Cherry Tree.

Wed 3rd April 2024 Speaker Meeting - Bill Rind - 3rd April

Bill's speaker will be Roy Green - Roy has been for many years involved with the world of horses and in particular, Point to Point. We look forward to hearing a horse based tale or two.

Wed 27th March 2024 Speaker Meeting - Geoff Fisher - 27th March - Microloans

Rtn Geoff will be covering the topic of micro financial support to projects around the world - Rotary has already invested over £1m in such projects worldwide. Our guest speaker will be President Brian Davies from Felixstone Landguard Rotary Club

Wed 20th March 2024 Club Meeting - Membership Workshop - 20th March

Committee Chair, Peter Holmes, will be running a further membership focused workshop baes on previous proposed initiatives to raise membership levels - we also are hoping to hear more on the RI initiate being rolled out.

Wed 13th March 2024 Business Meeting - 13th March

The Club will hold it's monthly business meeting - Committee chairs to prepare the necessary input

Wed 6th March 2024 Speaker Meeting - Peter Holmes : 6th March

Peter will be bringing Jasmine Mackintosh and her mum Karen. Jasmine is a 16year old pupil of SVC who is raising money for a girl guide trip to India in the Autumn

Wed 28th February 2024 Presentation Evening - 28th Feb

We were joined by Emma Sanders from MAGPAS when the money collected in our annual Christmas collections was handed over - Our running total of support now stands at over £33,000. Guests and volunteers joined members. President Steve handed over the cheque

Wed 21st February 2024 Club Fellowship Meeting - 21st Feb

Tonight will be an Open Fellowship evening - topics for discussion will be most welcome

Tue 13th February 2024 Club Business Meeting - 13th Feb

Please note that this meeting has been rescheduled bringing it one day forward. Committee Chairs will provide input as part of our monthly business meeting

Wed 7th February 2024 Speaker Meeting - Steve Kear - 7th Feb

Steve has invited Mike Donaghue along to share with us work done by the mobile therapy service for Dementia - "Walking in your Shoes" - Guests most welcome

Wed 7th February 2024 Walking in your Shoes - 7th Feb

The Club enjoyed an informative talk about this interesting new local charity initiative - Mike Donaghue and Juliet Larhan shared their vision of next steps for the charity - The Club's £500 award was well received

Wed 31st January 2024 District Governor Visit - 31st Jan

Club members look forward to another visit from our DG, Bob Maskall - we look forward to what he has to say and we also look forward to welcoming his wife, Rotarian Kate

Wed 24th January 2024 Burns Night - 24th Jan

The Club will be having its annual Burn Night celebration. Haggis Neeps and Tatties, a verse or two, a bit of tartan here and there and a wee dram. Guests welcome

Wed 17th January 2024 Fellowship Meeting - 17th Dec

This will be an Open Fellowship evening

Wed 10th January 2024 Business and Council Meeting - 10th Jan

The Club will hold it's monthly Business meeting - Committee Chairs - reports please.
Please note that the venue for this meeting will NOT be at The Cherry Tree - venue details to follow

Wed 3rd January 2024 Speaker Meeting - Neil Osborne, 3rd Jan

Neil has invited the new manager of local EACH charity shop, Darren Martin, to come along and explore window display opportunities for both organisations

Wed 27th December 2023 No Meeting - 27th Dec

Soham Rotary Club would;d like to wish all the website readers - a very Happy New Year when it comes and best wishes fir 2024

Wed 20th December 2023 No Meeting - 20th Dec

With the run up to Christmas and local Christmas collections - there will be no meeting this week. Soham Rotary Club members wish everyone a very happy Christmas with family and friends.

Wed 13th December 2023 Club Christmas Meal - 13th Dec

And a good night was had by all ! - Congratulations to The Cherry Tree for the lovely food and service.

Wed 6th December 2023 Business Meeting - 6th Dec

The Club will be holding its monthly business meeting - committee chairs please prepare your input reports.
This meeting will also include the SGM - Election of 2024-25 Club Officers

Wed 6th December 2023 - Wed 13th December 2023 Christmas Tree Festival

Soham Rotary Club will be supporting St Andrew's Church Tree Festival with s real tree and aspects of the Rotary Club's activities in the community

Wed 29th November 2023 Open Membership evening - 29th Nov

Soham Rotary will be hosting an Open Membership evening where potential members can come along and learn a bit more about Rotary and enjoy the hospitality on offer.

Wed 22nd November 2023 A Tasca Evening - 22nd Nov

Bill is organising another get together for members and guest at A Tasca Portuguese restaurant - menus have been issued and names and numbers to Bill by 15th Nov

Wed 15th November 2023 SCATTER WEEk - 15th Nov

There will be no meetings at The Cherry Tree this week. Members are encouraged to visit neighbouring Rotary clubs

Wed 8th November 2023 SGM - Election of Officers plus Business meeting 6th Dec

This SGM will now form part of a rescheduled 6th Dec business meeting

Wed 25th October 2023 Fellowship Meeting - 25th Oct

Peter Holmes will lead tonight's Fellowship meeting

Wed 25th October 2023 Safety Briefing - 25th Oct

In preparation for next week's Firework display, Soham Volunteers will be given a safety briefing from Bob Groom ( Scouts) in advance of the weekly Club meeting.

Wed 18th October 2023 Polio Fundraiser - Oct 2023

A fun Night supporting Polio Eradication at The Ali Taj - 45 attendees and good food and fellowship - thanks to all guest for their support including 7 from Newmarket Rotary Club

Wed 18th October 2023 Fill your Plate for Polio - 18th Oct

Geoff will be coordinating a guest night at the Ali Taj Indian Restaurant in Soham- - funds raised will continue to assist in Rotary's aim to irradiate Polio worldwide

Wed 11th October 2023 Special General Meeting Accounts - 11th Oct

The review of Club accounts will be shared by treasurer, Stuart Cavanagh

Wed 4th October 2023 Speaker Meeting - 4th October

Bill's speaker will be Carol Sennet who will be talking about the Monday Club and their forthcoming November garden centre visit. Carol will be accompanied by her husband. Guests most welcome.

Wed 27th September 2023 Membership Workshop - 27th Sept

Membership chair, Peter Holmes will lead the workshop which will act as preparation for another Open Evening to attract potential new members - this is planned for November 2023

Wed 20th September 2023 Business Meeting - 20th Sept

We will be holding our monthly business meeting this evenings per the issued agenda. President Steve will chair the proceedings.

Tue 19th September 2023 Council Meeting

There will be a Council meeting held on Zoom - President Steve in the Chair - sign in details will be issued with the agenda

Thu 14th September 2023 Kitty Hawk Rotary Clubs - Golf Tournament

Soham Rotary through its connections with Hon member Trevor Cole, have provided a hole sponsorship for their Fall Golf Classic Tournament read more...

Wed 13th September 2023 Speaker Meeting - Neil Osborne,

Neil has invited Herbie Baker and Linda Hitchings to talk about the support they provide for the Kerr Area Basic Cycle School in The Gambia
Bob Bragger from the Cambridge & District MS Society Group receives the £6495.35 donation from SVP Stuart, Steve Thompson (Blueshed)

Wed 6th September 2023 6th Sept - Presentation Evening

It was a pleasure to hand over the money raised at the July Beer & Music Festival - our recipients were indeed pleasantly surprised as the amount was revealed on the night. read more...

Wed 30th August 2023 30th Aug - Speaker Meeting - Iain Sutherland

Iain will be speaking about the Bishop Laney Foundation and the work they do. Iain is one of the six trustees

Wed 23rd August 2023 23rd Aug - Fellowship Meeting

Rtn Geoff will lead this weeks Fellowship - topic yet undecided but maybe a bit about his recent acting roles

Wed 16th August 2023 16th Aug - Fellowship Meeting

Rtn Stuart will lead tonights fellowship discussion

Wed 9th August 2023 9th Aug - Business Meeting

Committee Chairs will input the latest information regarding their areas of responsibility

Wed 2nd August 2023 2nd Aug - New Member Induction

President Steve Kear welcomed Chris Lowe into the Rotary movement tonight. Soham Rotary Club know that Chris will be a valued addition to the Club team. Members present wished Chris a Long and fruitful association with Rotary generally.

Wed 2nd August 2023 26th July - Fellowship meeting

David Werner is unfortunately unable to join us this week and therefore we will be having a fellowship evening. Stuart has kindly agreed to share the latest Beer Fest figures with us.

Tue 25th July 2023 Tuesday 25th July - Club Council on Zoom

New committee chairs input please

Wed 19th July 2023 19th July - SCATTER WEEK

An opportunity to visit other clubs in the region. No meeting at the Cherry Tree this week.

Wed 12th July 2023 12th July - Fellowship meeting

This will be a social meeting with no specific lead - following on from the Beer & Music event.

Sat 8th July 2023 Beer & Music Festival - Second Day 8th July

Another opportunity to enjoy beer, music and a fun evening at Soham Recreational Ground

Wed 5th July 2023 5th July - Business meeting

Regular business meeting from 21st June

Sat 1st July 2023 - Sun 30th June 2024 The Rotary Year July 2023 to June 2024

The start of our new Rotary Year sees Steve Kear as this year's President - First time in the chair for Steve and we wish him a successful year ahead.
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