Completed meetings and events 2023-2024

Thu 20th June 2024 Speaker Meeting

CEO of Voluntary Action Rutland

Wed 12th June 2024 Kids Out

District Event for disadvantaged youngsters at Wicksteed Park

Thu 6th June 2024 Club Assembly

Welcome Assistant District Governor to hear our plans for the future

Sat 1st June 2024 Tesco Collection

Collection for Rotary Charities at Tesco in Oakham

Thu 16th May 2024 Club Regular Meeting

Talk on Mental Health - Raghu Raghavan

Wed 15th May 2024 Shoot Out

Traditional Rifle Shooting Competition v Melton Mowbray Rotary Club

Tue 14th May 2024 Golf Day

Competition run by the Club

Thu 2nd May 2024 Business and AGM

Reports and discussion of Club year

Thu 18th April 2024 Speaker Meeting

Glenys Robertson - Dementia

Thu 4th April 2024 Business Meeting

Reports and discussion of future events

Thu 21st March 2024 Speaker Meeting

Hugh Holden - Rotary Foundation

Thu 7th March 2024 Business Meeting

Reports and discussion of future events etc

Thu 15th February 2024 - Speaker meeting

Speaker ‘Dusty’ Miller - Heroines of the Resistance

Thu 1st February 2024 Business Meeting

Update ad discussion of programme and activities

Tue 16th January 2024 Speaker - Kevin Thomas

Finding Homes for Ukrainian Refugees

Thu 4th January 2024 Business Meeting

Reports and Discussion of Future Events etc

Thu 21st December 2023 Christmas Dinner

Food and Fellowship and Fun

Thu 7th December 2023 Business meeting

Discussion of Activities and Future Plans

Thu 30th November 2023 Vineyard Visit

Visit to the Rutland vineyard for Rotarians and guests

Sun 6th August 2023 President’s Lunch at Home

calendar district events local events